Specialization in Computer Aided Architectural
Student Pages
Dominik Zausinger
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|Phone: 0041-78-9497018|
module_1 : cardboard structures back to main page
explorations in transforming 2D cardboard-sheets into loadbearing structures
software: rhino
machines: ZÜND digital cutter
after learning rhino-scripting and how to control the digital cutter we explored deeper into different ways of building parametric modules to assemble bigger structures out of cardboard.
the main goal was that the structure could carry at least all of the team members
another research was done on how to weatherproof these structures with fibre reinforced resin.

the digital process: the script divides a surface into arches which are then subdivided into a pointcloud which define the geometrical boundaries of each module. out of these points the individual modules and their cutting pattern for the digital cutter are automatically generated

the production and manufacturing: cutting of the pieces and the process of rolling them into shape. the modules are designed to perfectly fit into each other for easy assembling/disassembling

the results: one test pieces is built with a continues row of beams where the other one has two beams at the edges and a spanning surface in between

structural test pieces: experiments for different ways of building modules which can be assmebled into bigger structures

resin test pieces: different methods of covering different structural test pieces with resin