Specialization in Computer Aided Architectural
Student Pages

Dominik Zausinger
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|Phone: 0041-78-9497018|

module_3 : physical computing back to main page

connecting the real world with the digital world
software: arduino
hardware: seeeduino

this module explores the world of sensors and actuators. reading the world with sensors- interpreting and transforming them with programming and giving a real output back to the world with actuators...

first experiment - braitenberg vehicle

as a first experiment to get familiar with the world of wiring, arduino, soldering, currents, resistors etc. we built a braitenberg vehicle. apart from finding light our robot is able to avoid edges and obstacles
have a look in this video:

the seeeduino and the braitenberg vehicle...
braitenberg vehicle

... and its friends
braitenberg vehicle and friends

main project - paper cloud

the paper cloud transfers the outside weather conditions to the inside of the building of the CAAD department. the hardwear consists of three microcontrollers, different sensors, fans and LEDs plus the actual cloud made out of digital fabricated paper strips. wind, temperature and light values are recorded with a arduino-built weather station and then sent by XBee to two arduino microcontollers in the building. these transform the signals with a cellular automata to control a set of LEDs and fans which play with the paper strips

the ceiling and its team
the Ceiling team

the initial concept presentation
braitenberg vehicle

braitenberg vehicle

braitenberg vehicle

braitenberg vehicle

braitenberg vehicle

braitenberg vehicle

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