Specialization in Computer Aided Architectural
Student Pages

Dominik Zausinger
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|Phone: 0041-78-9497018|

warm_up4 : rhino script back to main page

flacon design: swan
software: rhino & monkey editor

design of a flacon with rhino script and print it with the 3D printer

first scripts

first test pieces working with rhino script and alternating a basic flacon with different mathematic equations

polylines tubular pyramid

creating a spatial structure by connecting random lines at first and then let them build tubular pyramids

process of autochoice

building a pyramid-structure by attaching new pyramids on the existing one with different parameters to choose parameters: number of generations /// max size of base pyramid /// wall thickness /// evolving of pyramid height
modes: auto choice by different criteria /// user choice with auto suggestion
criteria: most uprising pyramid /// most downgoing pyramid /// biggest height of new pyramid /// ...


different variations of the structure with different parameters

3D print

printed result:
nr of generations: 10 /// max. size of base: 50 /// wall thickness: 2 /// pyramid height: incremental decrease
mode: autochoice /// criteria: most uprising pyramid

black metal shot frosty glas shot

black metal swan /// frosty glas swan

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