CAAD.HBT.ETHZ.CH . TWiki . TWikiAccessControlExceptionDotPm

ETH Zuerich - Startseite
Professur für CAAD


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Package TWiki::AccessControlException

extends Error

Exception used raise an access control violation.

ClassMethod new ($mode,$user,$web,$topic,$reason)

  • $mode - mode of access (view, change etc)
  • $user - user object doing the accessing
  • $web - web being accessed
  • $topic - topic being accessed
  • $reason - string reason for failure

All the above fields are accessible from the object in a catch clause in the usual way e.g. $e->{web} and $e->{reason}

ObjectMethod stringify () -> $string

Generate a summary string

Revision r1 - 01 Feb 2006 - 12:01 - TWikiContributor

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