TWiki . Catch0405 . MapFile

<?xml version="1.0"?>
   <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
      "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD//EN"

      <class name="StoreTupel" table="kaisersrot">
                        <!-- A 32 hex character is our surrogate key. It's automatically
                             generated by Hibernate with the UUID pattern. -->
                        <id name="PrimaryKey" type="string" unsaved-value="null" >
                            <column name="id" sql-type="varchar(35)" not-null="true"/>
                            <generator class="uuid.hex"/>

                        <property name="Haustyp"        column="Haustyp"       type="string"/>                       
                        <property name="Anzahl"         column="Anzahl"        type="string"/>                                             
                        <property name="Name"           column="Name"          type="string"/>
                        <property name="Nname"          column="Nname"         type="string"/>
                        <property name="Breite"         column="Breite"        type="string"/>
                        <property name="Tiefe"          column="Tiefe"         type="string"/>
                        <property name="Flaeche"        column="Flaeche"        type="string"/>
                        <property name="r"                 column="r"                   type="string"/>
                        <property name="g"                column="g"                   type="string"/>
                        <property name="b"                column="b"                   type="string"/>
                        <property name="strasse"       column="strasse"             type="string"/>
                        <property name="wasser"        column="wasser"             type="string"/>
                        <property name="gruen"          column="gruen"            type="string"/>
                        <property name="nix"              column="nix"                type="string"/>   

-- OtherDenisRaschpichler - 30 Dec 2004

----- Revision r1.3 - 03 Jan 2005 - 21:38 - OtherDenisRaschpichler
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