TWiki . Main . OdiloSchoch

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Odilo Schoch, Dipl. Arch. ETH, MAS Housing

Odilo Schoch is currently Phd and research student at the Chair of CAAD, ETH Zurich. His theoretical work focuses on the impact of computer integrated environments (such as smart, adaptive buildings). He hold diploma degrees in architecture design and a MAS in housing design. AT ETH Zurich and UCS London he received his education. Work experience was gathered in offices such as Ove Arup, IPL (now FormTL), Züblin (Bangkok), GramazioKohler and his fathers architectural office. AT ETH Zurich he coordinated the ETHWorld project'Building IP - lecture hall of the future' as well as the NDS CAAD (2002-03). He lectured in Europe and Asia.       
  He practises architecture within his own company and together with his father. The work comprises design, consultation and realisation of houses and facades in Germany, Switzerland and PR China.

new caad-alumni email of Odilo Schoch: info at


Vorlesungen, Veröffentlichungen, etc.:





ETH Zürich
Professur für CAAD
z.Hd. Odilo Schoch
HIL E15.1
CH-8093 Zürich
tel: +41 1 633 40 25
fax: +41 1 633 10 50


LichtinszenierungderInnenfassade des SBB Bahnhofs Zug, Schweiz


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