TWiki . Mill0405 . ScheduleWs04

amorphous ornament

Introduction | Schedule | Assignments | Readings | Participants | Download | Millcam | Links


Oct 27 - Maya workshop + HANDOUT ASSIGNMENT 1a)

Oct 28 - 1400-1700 - Introduction Lecture & MAYA Workshop conclusion - BONUS WORKSHOP

Oct 29 - 0900-1200 - SURFCAM Workshop 2 + HANDOUT ASSIGNMENT 1b)- BONUS WORKSHOP

Nov 03 - 0900-1200 - CNC MILLING Workshop 3 + HANDOUT ASSIGNMENT 1c) - BONUS WORKSHOP

Nov 04 - 1400-1600 - CNC Manufacturing in Architecture: Types, Methods, & Results

Nov 10 - ACADIA CONFERENCE - Guest Lecture: Markus Braach - Introduction to Parametric Programming in MEL

Nov 17 - ACADIA CONFERENCE - Workshop: Markus Braach - Assistance with MEL Programming

Nov 24 - Seminar Week

Dec 01 - Scripting workshop, review of work thus far

Dec 08 - Review Assignment 1 + Handout Assignment 2

Dec 15 - Lecture: Ornament-Basic Principles + Review Assignment 2 + pre-xmas cleanup

X-mas Break

Jan 12 - Guest Lecture: Dr. Andrea Gleiniger: Ornament in the 20th Century

Jan 19 - Final Lecture: Parametric Ornament: metaphor for architectural programming

Jan 26 Course Suspended

Feb 02 Course Suspended (Feb 04) semester ends


Feb 07 Monday - Review of assignment and goals, Individual project proposals
Feb 09 Wednesday - Individual desk crits
Feb 11 Friady - Project methodology outline and discussion

Weekend - WORK

Feb 14 Monday - Programming assistance
Feb 15 Wednesday - Interim presentations & review
Feb 18 Friady - Production!!!

Weekend - WORK

Feb 21 Monday - Production and finalization
Feb 23 Wednesday - Final Work DUE.
Feb 25 Friady - Final Review 09:00 - 12:00 HIL E69:Guest Critics to be announced

----- Revision r1.11 - 03 Jan 2005 - 10:37 - RussellLoveridge
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