TWiki . Plugins . GenHTMLAddon


When TWiki generates a view, it does so dynamically i.e. there's a CGI script that runs, processes some files, and generates HTML that is displayed by the browser. There are circumstances in which this may not be desireable or even possible. For example:

  1. TWiki is used to create documentation which has to be bundled int o a product release,
  2. Published versions of TWiki pages must be read-only,
  3. The TWiki server is inaccessible to the audience (e.g. on the other side of a corporate firewall).

GenHTMLAddon provides support for the generation of stand-alone HTML from a TWiki web. It will generate a directory containing rendered versions of a set of TWiki pages together with any attached files.

WARNING This addon generates HTML output in the 'pub' directories of your twiki installation. For a large web, this can amount to a considerable amount of data!



Using the Addon

To generate HTML for a web, view any topic in the web. Edit the URL of the topic and change 'view' to 'genhtml'. For example, if you are viewing the WebHome topic, the URL will be something like
Modify this URL to read instead
(Your TWiki administrator may have already set up a shortcut in the view template; see your local site information for details) Then hit return to invoke the script.

The first thing you see is a web form that allows you to control the HTML generation for the web. From this form you can change the web to generate documentation for, and list perl regular expressions to match topics that you wish to include (default: all topics) or exclude from generation. When you have set these parameters appropriately, hit the "Generate HTML" button.

The HTML is generated in a subdirectory of the 'pub' directory for the web; the progress messages printed during documentation generation indicate where the generated HTML has been written.

Specialised templates

A specialised template can be provided. If a template called 'genhtml.tmpl' can be found then this is automatically used. A default top-level template is provided with the installation.

Tip you can refer to a stylesheet within the genhtml.tmpl template. As long as this stylesheet is within the 'pub' directories for the web it will automatically be copied into the generated HTML.

Known problems

Addon Installation Instructions

Addon info

One Line Description: Generate static HTML for a TWiki Web
Addon Author: CrawfordCurrie?
Addon Version: 1.1
Change History: 1 Oct 2001: Initial version
  3 Jan 2002: Added inclusions, fixed - in attachment names, fixed directory permissions issue.
CPAN Dependencies: none
Other Dependencies: none
Perl Version: 5.0
Addon Home:

Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins

Further development

Further development of this code is welcomed. It is recommended that you unpack the distribution into a development directory and use the supplied Ant build file which provides targets to test and install your development code into a test installation.


This code is a development of the Architectures and System Platforms group of Motorola Inc. and is protected by the following copyrights:


As required for the publication of all extensions to TWiki, the software is published under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details, published at

----- Revision r1.1 - 05 Oct 2005 - 09:18 - Main.apache
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