In the course of our involvement with the "Urban Landscape of West Solothurn," we asked ourselves about role that the planned highway access would play in the development of this area. We tried to come to terms with the indifference which the design of new buildings in this area seem to project vis-Ã-vis cityscape and river landscape. We sought answers to the problem of interstices. The course work thus attempted to convey a method of design rather than a specific architectural language. In the urban planning phase as well as in the design of the complex building, we consciously chose to work at different scales. Our aim was not to find definitive answers but rather to indicate possible strategies for the area's further development. We attempted to define these strategies in terms of the most precise architectural concepts possible: layers, association, boulevard, city district, urban park, island, edge, garden city.  

Prof. Mario Campi

Published in "Solothurn, Projects for a City," 1994

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