The studio will focus on design of housing in Tokyo. The aim to turn our eyes towards Tokyo is not to design just simply beautiful and comfortable housing, but to pursue a new idea for urban life and a new type of architecture that should lead the forthcoming generation.
The act of designing architecture in this studio is regarded as more than an acquisition of planning technique. We fundamentally believe that training the “eye” to observe lifestyles, cities and environments critically is as important and creative an act as designing. This is practiced through a series of design process, analyzing different circumstances against the different background from Switzerland, reconsidering the meaning and way of living in a city, discovering doubts and potentials from the existing condition, and developing new ideas beyond conventional frameworks.
Tokyo is one of the world’s most populous and economically largest metropolises. Through its rapid modernisation with high density, mass commercialism, programmatic complexity and so on, the city has been composed of various urban aspects. Our targets are especially peculiar areas within commercial downtown, which are uniquely characterized spontaneously by their various backgrounds through constant renewal and rebuilding. Each area has specific liveliness spatial identity, and their condensed urbanisms generate “hybrid urban environments” in which diverse urban components are densely overlapped each other. Focusing on living in such urban environments and the future perspectives of the areas, we pursue what composes urban lifestyle there, how architecture should be to accept these lifestyles and how residential spaces can be integrated in existing programmes and urban structure.
By observing particular urban environments in Tokyo with a creative “eye” from the outside and “re-structuring” surrounding architectural aspects, our goal will be to design innovative housing proposals which challenge conventional norms and propose future images for urban lifestyles and environments.
For understanding the context, the site information will be provided by the students of the University of Tokyo with the local points of view. Since the site visit is included in the programme of the seminar trip to Tokyo, the studio participants are strongly recommended to join Chiba studio’s seminar trip.
Aufgabentyp: O
Einführung: 23.02.2010, 10:00 HIQ C1
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26.01.2010 webmaster@arch