Trained as an architect, Tim has dedicated his career to professional research, publishing, exhibition making and teaching in the fields of urbanism. It is the core ambition of his work to investigate contemporary forms of urbanization and urban cohabitation, and to develop appropriate urban design methods. His fields of interest include shrinking cities, informal and entrepreneurial urbanism, cities and conflict, and residential exclusion and inclusion. Tim is currently holding a guest professorship at the Technical University Munich and is working as senior assistant and lecturer at the chair for architecture and urban design at the ETH Zurich.
Tim Rieniets
ETH Zürich – Institut für Städtebau
Postanschrift: HIL, Wolfgang-Pauli-Str.15, 8093 Zürich
Besucheradresse: ONA G 41, Neunbrunnenstrasse 50, 8050 Zürich
Telefon +41 44 633 21 51
rieniets @
Further informations:
Books (edited)
Open City: Designing Coexistence
Tim Rieniets, Jennifer Sigler, Kees Christiaannse (eds.)
SUN Publisher, Amsterdam
(honorable mention: Schönste Bücher aus aller Welt)
City of Collision - Jerusalem and the Principles of Conflict Urbanism
Philipp Misselwitz and Tim Rieniets (eds.)
Birkhäuser Publishers for Architecture, Basel, 2006.
(Award: Schönstes Buch 2006, Stiftung Buchkunst)
Atlas der schrumpfenden Städte/Atlas of Shrinking Cities
Philipp Oswalt and Tim Rieniets (eds.), with editorial assitance of Henning Schirmel, Elke Beyer, Kristina Herresthal, Nicole Minten-Jung, Stefanie Oswalt.
Verlag Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern-Ruit, 2006.
(Award: Schönstes Buch 2006, Preis des Schweizer Bundesamtes für Kultur)
content & preface
Peer review articles
- Rieniets, Tim: "Shrinking Cities: Causes and Effects of Urban Population Losses in the Twentieth Century," in: Nature and Culture, volume 4, number 3, Winter 2009 (expected), p. 231-254
- Misselwitz, Philipp and Tim Rieniets: "Jerusalem and the Principles of Conflict Urbanism," in Journal of Urban Technology, volume 16, number 2, 2009 (expected), p. 61–78
Other articles
- Rieniets, Tim: "Kreativität und Stadt," Almuniportal Deutschland,
- Rieniets, Tim: "Open City. Progettare la coesistenza nella città contemporanea." In: Territorio, Nr 61, Mailand, 2012, S. 7 - 15
- Rieniets, Tim: "Reconstruction and Ssustainable Urban Developmen." In: Swiss Resource Centre and Consultancies for Development and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (Hg.): Sustainable Reconstruction in Urban Areas: A Handbook, 2012, S. 24 - 25
- Rieniets, Tim: "Zur Lage des öffentlichen Raums." In: trans, Nr 20, Zürich, 2012
- Rieniets, Tim: "Urban Villages", IBA Hamburg (eds.), Kosmopolis, Metropole 5, Jovis, Berlin 2011, S. 110-107
- Rieniets, Tim: "Urban Villages. Ein Reisebericht über sie Suche nach dem Berliner Townhouse," in Archplus, number 201/202, 2011
- Rieniets, Tim: "Fortress Istanbul: Geschlossene Wohnkomplexe und die sozio-urbane Transformation der Stadt," in Bohn, Thomas und Marie-Janine Calic (eds.): Urbanisierung und Stadtentwicklung in Südosteuropa vom 19. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert, 47. Internationale Hochschulwoche der Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft in Tutzing, Verlag Otto Sanger, München/Berlin, 2010, p. 333-346
- Rieniets, Tim: "Open City: Designing Coexistence," in Rieniets, Tim, Jennifer Sigler and Kees Christiaanse: Open City: Designing Coexistence, SUN Publishers, Amsterdam, 2009, p. 13-23 and 209-216
- Christiaanse, Kees, Mark Michaeli and Tim Rieniets: "Istanbul’s Spatial Dynamics," in: Burdett, Richard, ed., Istanbul: city of intersections. Urban Age, 2009, p. 53, ISBN 9780853284192
- Tim Rieniets: "Fortress Istanbul: Geschlossene Wohnkomplexe und die sozio-urbane Transformation der Stadt," in Archplus, number 194, 2009
- Esen, Orhan and Tim Rieniets: "Fortress Istanbul-Gated Communities and the Socio-Urban Transformation," in Eckardt, Frank and Kathrin Wildner (eds.): Public Istanbul. Spaces and Spheres of the Urban, Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, 2008, p. 83-112.
- Rieniets, Tim: “Göktürk: Inkâr, mübadele, adaptasyon,” in Istanbul, number 59, May 2007, p. 102
- Christiaanse, Kees, Mark Michaeli und Tim Rieniets, „Aufgabe als Aufgabe: Entwurf und Strategie im Urbanen Raum“ in Giseke, Undine und Erika Spiegel (ed.), Stadtlichtungen–Irritationen. Perspektiven, Strategien, Bauwelt Fundamente, number 138, Basel/Boston/Berlin 2007, p.162–186
- Rieniets, Tim, „Geografie der Schrumpfung“, in Resch, Richard (ed.), Umbruch/Ausbruch. Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten für eine zukunftsfähige Steiermark, Graz, 2006, p. 6
- Misselwitz, Philipp and Tim Rieneits, “Cities of Collision” in Monu—magazine on urbanism, number 5, 2006, p. 63
- Rieniets, Tim, „Shrinking Cities. Growing Domain for Urban Planning?“, in Cahiers thématiques. Space on a Large Scale, number 6, Lille, 2006.
- Rieniets, Tim, Project Office Philipp Oswalt, „World Map of Shrinking Cities“ in Technology - MIT Magazin für Innovationen, 2005
- Rieniets, Tim, Project Office Philipp Oswalt, „World Map of Shrinking Cities“ in Archplus, no 173, May 2005
- Rieniets, Tim, Project Office Philipp Oswalt, „World Map of Shrinking Cities“ in Geografie III, Klett-Perthes Verlag, 2005
- Rieniets, Tim, „Weltweites Schrumpfen“ in: Schrumpfende Städte. Internationale Untersuchungen, Hatje Cantz, Ostfidern-Ruit, 2004
- Rieniets, Tim, „Kulturlandschaft. Beobachtungen zum Verhältnis von Stadt und Landschaft“ in Entwurf und Strategie im urbanen Raum. Die Programmlose Stadt, Textsammlung zur Vorlesungsreihe Studienjahr 2003/2004, Professur für Architektur und Städtebau, ETH Zürich, 2004
- Misselwitz, Philipp and Tim Rieniets: „Silent Conversations“ in Scroop, no. 16, Camebridge 2004
- Misselwitz, Philipp and Tim Rieniets: „Jérusalem. Dialogues du silence“ in Faces, no. 56, Genève 2004
- Oswalt, Philipp and Tim Rieniets: „Città che si spopolano“ in Cluster, no. 5, S. 138
Exhibitions (curated)
- Rieniets, Tim: Langstrasse verlängern! Architekturforum Zürich, 2010
- Rieniets, Tim and curatorial team 4th IABR: "Urban Islands. Mapping an Emerging Spatial Order," installation, in: International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, 2009
- Tim Rieniets, Project Grenzgeografien: Cities of Collision, 10th Istanbul Biennale, Istanbul, 2007
- Rieniets, Tim, Project Grenzgeografien: Cities of Collision, ETH Zurich, 2007
Exhibitions (participated)
- Rekacewicz, Philippe, Tim Rieniets (concept), Claudia Bach (film): "Migration: A World in Motion," video installation, in: International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, 2009
- Esen, Orhan, Katharina Sucker, Tim Rieniets: "United Communities of Göktürk," in: International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, 2009
- Tim Rieniets, Project Grenzgeografien: „City of Collision” (video installation) in: 10th Istanbul Biennale, Istanbul, 2007
- Rieniets, Tim, Project Grenzgeografien: „City of Collision” (video installation) in: Cities of Collosion, ETH Zurich, 2007
- Rieniets, Tim, Project Office Philipp Oswalt: „World Map of Shrinking Cities” in: Architectural Biennale, Venice, 2006
- Chsristiaanse, Kees, Thomas Kovari, Mark Michaeli, Tim Rieniets: „ Deplanning“ in: Schrumpfende Städte - Interventionen, Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig, 2005.
- Rieniets, Tim, „Atlas der schrumpfenden Städte“ in: Schrumpfende Städte, Kunstwerke, Berlin, 2004
- Abu Ghazaleh, Rana und Misselwitz, Philipp und Rieniets, Tim: "Silent Conversations," Videoinstallation, in: Territories, Konsthal Malmö, 2004
- Tim Rieniets, Project Office Philipp Oswalt: „World Map of Shrinking Cities“ in: Radical Architecture, Cologne, 2004
Organization of Conferences
- "Open City: Designing Coexistence," (with Fabienne Hoelzel), ETH Zürich, 5 March 2009.
- “Urban Design: Public Domain, Political Tool, or Consumer Choice? New Forms
of Segregation in Istanbul,” (with Philipp Misselwitz) in: 10th Istanbul Biennale, KAHEM, November 2007
- “Design and Power–the Political Meaning of Everyday Design Practice,” ETH Zürich, 28 March 2007
- “Victims, Weapons or Mediators? Transformations in the Relationship between Contemporary Cities and Conflict,” (with Philipp Misselwitz) Akademie der Künste Berlin, 21 August 2006
- Tim Rieniets in conversation with Jennifer Davies: "Nagelhaus Zürich," in Swiss By Design,
Swiss World Radio, 29.09.2010,
- Tim Rieniets: "Langstrasse verlängern!" in,
- Tim Rieniets in conversation with Jennifer Davies: "A walk on Zurich’s wild side," in Swiss By Design, Swiss World Radio, 09.07.2010,
- Tim Rieniets in conversation with Klaus Englert: "Istanbul," in Resonanzne, WDR3, 18. Januar 2010
- Rieniets, Tim in conversation with Peter Smisek: "Rotterdam Biennale: The Open City," in: B-Nieuws, September 2009, p. 6-7
- Rieniets, Tim in conversation with Anna Hohler: „Urbanismes Face à Face,“ in: TRACÉS,
Number 23, Ecublens, 2007, p. 6
- Rieniets, Tim in conversation with Margarete von Lupin: “Atlas der schrumpfenden-
Städte,” in Radio Lora: Radioerevan Yurt, 28 July 2007
- Misselwitz, Philipp und Tim Rieniets, in Ulrich Biermann (Moderation) und Silvia
Wiegand (Redaktion): Resonanzen. Die Welt aus dem Blickwinkel der Kultur,
WDR3, 25 September 2006