Project Description

We are developing an information environment for the Swiss building industry, to provide a common technical platform for information, communication, and collaboration between all partners in the building planning, design, construction, and management processes.
Our objective is to augment the partners' current computing environment with support for information sharing and collaboration, in support of existing work practices and concurrent to existing applications.
Visualizations of the information structures that result from the collaborative activities empower the partners in an analysis and understanding of these processes and, consequently, increase effectiveness during collaboration.
When requirements are specified as constraints or mathematical formulas over continuous variables, computational tools approximate the space of potential solutions, providing means to detect conflicts and guide negotiation.

Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation as part of the Swiss Priority Programme Information and Communication Structures (SPP ICS).

One-page description
To appear in Informatik/Informatique August 99

Status report July 1998

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