All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


access(Cube). Static method in class icc.db.Project
Returns the access rights with respect to the specified cube.
Access(Integer, String, String, String, char, char). Constructor for class icc.db.Access
Allocates an Access object defining default access rights for the specified project cube.
accessOnCube(String, Cube). Static method in class icc.db.FileSystem
accessOnId(String, Integer). Static method in class icc.db.FileSystem
action. Variable in class icc.db.Select
This variable specifies the document action for time comparison.
Action(Integer, Date). Constructor for class icc.db.Action
Allocates an Action object with the specified author and date.
Action(Integer, String). Constructor for class icc.db.Action
Allocates an Action object with the specified author and date.
actualEnd(). Method in class icc.db.Phase
Returns the end date of this phase as a string.
actualStart(). Method in class icc.db.Phase
Returns the start date of this phase as a string.
adapt(String, int). Method in class
add(Header). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Adds a document to this folder.
addPartner(Integer, Integer, String). Static method in class icc.db.Project
addProject(Integer). Method in class icc.db.Partner
Creates a data request to add this partner to the specified project.
addProject(Integer, String). Method in class icc.db.Partner
Creates a data request to add this partner to the specified project.
adjust(). Method in class icc.db.Action
Adjusts the date forward by two and a half hours.
adjust(Date, int, int). Static method in class icc.db.Action
administrator(). Method in class icc.db.Project
Returns the identifier of the administrator of this project.
AGENT. Static variable in class
agent(IDCard). Method in class
agent(int, Object, IDCard). Static method in class
AgentEvents. Static variable in class
AgentRequests(). Constructor for class icc.db.AgentRequests
allAgents(). Static method in class
AllEvents. Static variable in class
allUsers(). Static method in class
alter(). Method in class icc.db.File
Creates a data request to modify this document information.
alter(). Method in class icc.db.Partner
Creates a data request to modify this partner information.
alter(). Method in class icc.db.Phase
Creates a data request to alter the information of this phase in the database.
alter(). Method in class icc.db.Project
Creates a data request to update this project in the database.
alter(String). Method in class icc.db.File
Creates a data request to modify this document information.
alterAccess(Access). Static method in class icc.db.Project
Updates or adds access rights to the corresponding Project object.
alterPartners(). Method in class icc.db.Project
Creates a data request to update the partners of this project.
alterTeam(Integer[]). Method in class icc.db.Team
Creates a data request to replace the members of this team through the specified partner identifiers.
anchor. Static variable in class icc.db.DBRequest
An empty database request to the authentication service.
ANY_VALUE. Static variable in class icc.db.Select
A convenience constant to specify any attribute value.
area(). Method in class icc.db.Cube
Returns the project area specifier corresponding this cube.
areas. Variable in class icc.db.Project
The array of valid area specifiers.
argument(int). Method in class
arguments(). Method in class
attach(Request). Method in class
attribute(String). Method in class icc.db.File
Returns the document's attribute value with respect to the specified key.
attribute(String). Method in class icc.db.Partner
Returns the partner's attribute value with respect to the specified key.
attribute(String). Method in class icc.db.Select
Returns the defined attribute value for the specified type.
attributes. Variable in class icc.db.Select
This table specifies the attributes common to all documents.
attributes(). Method in class icc.db.File
Returns an enumeration of the attributes.
attributes(). Method in class icc.db.Partner
Returns an enumeration of the attributes.
attributes(). Method in class icc.db.Select
Returns an enumeration of the attributes.
authenticate(String). Static method in class icc.db.DBRequest
Creates a database request for a user to authenticate him/herself.
authenticate(String, byte[], byte[]). Static method in class icc.db.DBRequest
Creates a database request for an agent or mediator to authenticate itself.
AUTHENTICATION. Static variable in class icc.db.DBRequest
The name of a service that provides for user authentication.
AUTHENTICATION. Static variable in class
author. Variable in class icc.db.Select
This variable specifies the action author.
author(). Method in class icc.db.Action
Returns the author identifier for this action.
author(Integer). Method in class icc.db.WorkFile
Returns a string declaring the specified partner as a reader or writer with respect to this document document.
authors(). Method in class icc.db.WorkFile
Returns an enumeration of the readers and writers.
aux. Variable in class
Awake(Awakable, Object, int). Constructor for class


belongs. Variable in class icc.db.Header
This variable specifies the document this document belongs to, if any.
binary. Variable in class


cards. Static variable in class
categories. Variable in class icc.db.File
This variable specifies the document categories.
categories. Variable in class icc.db.Select
This vector specifies the categories common to all documents.
categories(). Method in class icc.db.Folder
returns a vector of common categories defined for all documents in this folder.
changePassword(String, String). Method in class icc.db.DBRequest
Creates a data request for a user to change his/her password.
checkTrust(String). Method in class icc.db.DBRequest
Creates a data request for a user to check for permanent trust with respect to a mediator's owner.
clean(). Method in class
clean(). Method in class icc.db.File
Clears all information in this document.
clean(). Method in class icc.db.Partner
Clears all information in this partner.
clean(). Method in class
clean(). Method in class icc.db.WorkFile
Clears all information in this document.
clean(String, Integer). Method in class icc.db.Project
Clears all project information in this object.
clear(). Static method in class icc.db.Cube
Removes all project cubes previously put in relationship to documents.
clear(). Static method in class icc.db.File
Removes all Header objects previously put.
clear(). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Removes all documents from this folder.
clear(). Static method in class icc.db.Header
Removes all Header objects previously put.
clear(). Static method in class
clear(). Static method in class icc.db.Partner
Removes all Partner objects previously put.
clear(). Static method in class icc.db.Phase
Removes all Phase objects previously put.
clear(). Static method in class icc.db.Project
Removes all Project objects previously put.
clearAttributes(). Method in class icc.db.Partner
Removes all attributes.
ClientCard(IDCard, String, int[]). Constructor for class
clone(). Method in class
collabAuthor. Variable in class icc.db.Select
This variable specifies the collaborative author.
collaborate(). Method in class icc.db.File
Duplicates a File object as a WorkFile object.
collabType. Variable in class icc.db.Select
This variable specifies the collaborative author type.
connect(DataRequest). Method in class
connect(IDCard, PrivateKey). Method in class
connect(String, String, int). Method in class
connect(String, String, String, int, PrivateKey). Method in class
ContactAgent(ServiceCenter, String). Constructor for class
contactDialog(IDCard). Method in class
CONTAINS. Static variable in class icc.db.Folder
A useful constant to specify the expansion link name for documents that are contained by selected documents.
contains. Variable in class icc.db.Header
This variable specifies all the documents this document contains.
contains(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.File
Tests if a document or document header with the specified identifier has previously been put.
contains(Integer). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Checks if the specified document is contained in this folder.
contains(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.Partner
Tests if a partner with the specified identifier has previously been put.
containsFile(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.File
Tests if a document with the specified identifier has previously been put.
containsHeader(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.Header
Tests if a document header with the specified identifier has previously been put.
content. Variable in class
content. Variable in class
copy(File). Method in class icc.db.File
Copies the specified document information into this document.
copy(File). Method in class icc.db.WorkFile
Copies the specified document information into this work document.
copy(Partner). Method in class icc.db.Partner
Copies the specified partner information into this partner.
copy(Project). Method in class icc.db.Project
Copies the specified project information into this object, leaving the access rights vector and phase array set to null.
copy(Select). Method in class icc.db.Select
Copies the specified selection information into this object.
copy(Team). Method in class icc.db.Team
Copies the specified team information into this team.
create(). Method in class icc.db.Project
Creates a data request to create this subproject.
create(). Method in class icc.db.Team
Creates a data request to create this team in the project database.
create(Cube). Method in class icc.db.File
Creates a data request to create this document with respect to the specified project cube.
create(Cube, String). Method in class icc.db.File
Creates a data request to create this document with respect to the specified project cube.
create(Integer, String, String, Integer). Method in class icc.db.Partner
Creates a data request to create a new partner with the specified password and add this partner to the specified project (with function), as a member of the specified team.
CREATION. Static variable in class
creation. Variable in class icc.db.File
This variable specifies the creation action.
creation. Variable in class icc.db.Link
CREATION. Static variable in class icc.db.Select
A convenience constant to specify the action as a creation.
cube(). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Returns the project cube of this folder.
Cube(Cube, char). Constructor for class icc.db.Cube
Allocates a new Cube object with the same area, time and type specifiers as the specified object, but with different access right.
Cube(Integer, String, String, String). Constructor for class icc.db.Cube
Allocates a Cube object with the specified area, time and type specifiers.
Cube(Integer, String, String, String, char). Constructor for class icc.db.Cube
Allocates a Cube object with the specified area, time and type specifiers and access right.
cubes(). Method in class icc.db.Project
Creates a data request to retrieve an array of cube information for this project.
current. Variable in class
current(). Method in class


DataRequest(String, int, Class). Constructor for class
DataRequest(String, Object, Class). Constructor for class
DataService(ServiceCenter, String, int[]). Constructor for class
date. Variable in class icc.db.Select
This variable specifies the reference date for time comparison.
date(). Method in class icc.db.Action
Returns the date for this action.
dateString(). Method in class icc.db.Action
Returns the date and time for this action as a string.
dateString(). Method in class icc.db.Link
Returns the creation date and time for this link as a string.
DBCenter(String, String, String, String, String). Constructor for class icc.db.DBCenter
DBRequest(String, int, Class). Constructor for class icc.db.DBRequest
DBRequest(String, Object, Class). Constructor for class icc.db.DBRequest
DBService(DBCenter, String, int[]). Constructor for class icc.db.DBService
DELETE. Static variable in class icc.db.Cube
This access right provides the owner all permissions.
delete(). Method in class icc.db.File
Creates a data request to delete this document from the project database.
delete(). Method in class icc.db.Team
Creates a data request to delete this team from the project database.
delete(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.File
Creates a data request to delete the document with the specified identifier from the project database.
deleteAgent(Integer, Integer, String). Static method in class icc.db.AgentRequests
Creates a data request to delete the specified agent wrt the specified user and project.
DELETION. Static variable in class
description(). Method in class icc.db.Entity
Returns a description for this entity.
description(). Method in class icc.db.Header
Returns the document title.
description(). Method in class icc.db.Partner
Returns the partner's full name (first and last).
description(). Method in class icc.db.Project
Returns the title of this project.
description(). Method in class icc.db.Team
Returns the team's company name.
detach(). Method in class
detach(). Method in class
disconnect(). Method in class
display. Variable in class
documents. Variable in class icc.db.Cube
The document count variable.
duplicate(). Method in class icc.db.Access
Duplicates this object.
duplicate(). Method in class icc.db.File
Duplicates a File object.
duplicate(). Method in class icc.db.Link
Duplicates this link.
duplicate(). Method in class icc.db.Project
Duplicates this object, leaving the access rights vector and phase array set to null.
duplicate(). Method in class icc.db.WorkFile
Duplicates a WorkFile object.


EDIT. Static variable in class
EMPTYSTR. Static variable in class icc.db.Header
end(). Method in class icc.db.Phase
Returns the end date of this phase.
ENTERS. Static variable in class
Entity(Integer, String). Constructor for class icc.db.Entity
ENTRY. Static variable in class icc.db.Header
The name of a service that updates document information in the database on request.
ENTRY. Static variable in class icc.db.Partner
The name of a service that updates partner information in the database on request.
ENTRY. Static variable in class icc.db.Project
The name of a service that updates project information in the database on request.
equals(Object). Method in class icc.db.Cube
Compares this object to the specified object.
equals(Object). Method in class
equals(Object). Method in class icc.db.Entity
Compares this object to the specified object.
equals(Object). Method in class icc.db.File
Compares this object to the specified object.
equals(Object). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Compares this object to the specified object.
equals(Object). Method in class icc.db.Header
Compares this object to the specified object.
equals(Object). Method in class
equals(Object). Method in class
equals(Object). Method in class icc.db.Select
Compares this object to the specified object.
EventHandler(). Constructor for class
events. Static variable in class
events. Static variable in class
events(). Method in class
exists(). Method in class icc.db.Cube
Checks if any access rights are defined for this cube.
exit(). Method in class icc.db.DBCenter
exit(). Method in class
expansion(). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Returns the expansion link name defined for this folder, if any.
extend(int). Method in class
extension. Variable in class


FACILITATOR. Static variable in class
file(int, Object, IDCard). Static method in class
File(Integer, String, String, String). Constructor for class icc.db.File
File(String, String, String). Constructor for class icc.db.File
Allocates a File object with the specified type, name and title.
FILEDIR. Static variable in class icc.db.FileSystem
FileEvents. Static variable in class
files(). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Returns an enumeration of all the documents contained in this folder.
FileSystem(ServiceCenter, String, String). Constructor for class icc.db.FileSystem
find(Cube, String). Static method in class icc.db.File
Creates a data request to find and retrieve the document corresponding the specified document name and with respect to the specified project cube.
find(String). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Returns the document in this folder with the specified title.
find(String). Static method in class icc.db.Partner
Creates a data request to find the partner identifier corresponding the specified username in the project database.
findFile(String). Method in class icc.db.Cube
Creates a data request to find and retrieve a document with the specified name with respect to this project cube.
FIRSTNAME. Static variable in class icc.db.Partner
A useful constant for specifying or retrieving the partner's first name.
Folder(Cube). Constructor for class icc.db.Folder
Allocates a Folder object with the specified project cube.
Folder(Cube, Select). Constructor for class icc.db.Folder
Folder(Cube, String). Constructor for class icc.db.Folder
Allocates a Folder object with the specified project cube and common document categories.
Folder(Cube, String, String). Constructor for class icc.db.Folder
Allocates a Folder object with the specified project cube, common document type and common document categories.
FOLLOW_UP. Static variable in class icc.db.Folder
A useful constant to specify the expansion link name for documents that follow up on selected documents.
followUp. Variable in class icc.db.Header
This variable specifies all the documents that follow up (comment) on this document.
format(Date). Static method in class icc.db.Action
forward(IDCard). Method in class
forward(Package). Method in class
from(). Method in class


genus(). Method in class
get(Date, int). Static method in class icc.db.Action
get(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.Cube
Retrieves the project cube for the specified document, if previously put.
get(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.File
Retrieves the File or Header object for the specified identifier, if previously put.
get(Integer). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Returns the document corresponding the specified identifier, if contained in this folder.
get(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.Partner
Retrieves the Partner object for the specified identifier, if previously put.
get(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.Phase
Retrieves an array of phase information for the specified project, if previously put.
get(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.Project
Retrieves the Project object for the specified identifier, if previously put.
get(Integer, String). Static method in class icc.db.Phase
Retrieves the Phase object for the specified project identifier and project time specifier, if previously put.
get(String). Static method in class
get(String). Static method in class icc.db.Partner
Retrieves a partner by username, if previously put.
get(String). Static method in class icc.db.Project
Retrieves a project by name, if previously put.
getAccess(). Method in class icc.db.Cube
Creates a data request to retrieve the access rights defined for this project cube.
getAction(). Method in class icc.db.Select
Returns the action type specifier.
getAuthor(). Method in class icc.db.Action
Returns the author identifier for this action.
getAuthor(). Method in class icc.db.Link
Returns the creation author identifier for this link.
getAuthor(). Method in class icc.db.Select
Returns the action author's username, if known.
getCategories(). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Returns the common document categories as a string with categories separated by spaces.
getCategories(). Method in class icc.db.Select
Returns the selection categories as a string with categories separated by spaces.
getCollabAuthor(). Method in class icc.db.Select
Returns the collaborative author's username, if known.
getContent(). Method in class icc.db.File
Returns the content string of this document, if any.
getCriteria(). Method in class icc.db.Folder
returns the criteria defined for all documents in this folder.
getDate(). Method in class icc.db.Select
Returns the reference date as a string.
getDay(). Method in class icc.db.Select
Gets the action day.
getDocument(). Method in class icc.db.Link
Returns the document identifier of this link.
getFile(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.File
Retrieves the File object for the specified identifier, if previously put.
getHeader(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.Header
Retrieves the Header object for the specified identifier, if previously put.
getHour(). Method in class icc.db.Select
Gets the action hour.
getId(). Method in class icc.db.Entity
Returns the identifier of this entity.
getMinute(). Method in class icc.db.Select
Gets the action minute.
getMonth(). Method in class icc.db.Select
Gets the action month.
getName(). Method in class icc.db.Entity
Returns the name of this entity.
getName(). Method in class icc.db.Link
Returns the link name.
getPartnerFunction(Integer). Method in class icc.db.Project
Returns the specified partner's function.
getPort(). Method in class
getQualifier(). Method in class icc.db.Link
Returns the link qualifier.
getStreamer(StreamingPackage). Method in class
getTime(). Method in class icc.db.Action
Returns the date for this action.
getTime(). Method in class icc.db.Link
Returns the creation date and time for this link, in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00.
getTime(). Method in class icc.db.Select
Returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT represented by the reference date.
getTitle(). Method in class icc.db.Header
Returns the document title.
getType(). Method in class icc.db.Header
Returns the document type.
getWriter(StreamingPackage). Method in class
getYear(). Method in class icc.db.Select
Gets the action year.
GUEST. Static variable in class


handleAgentEvent(Event). Method in class
handleAgentEvent(Event). Method in class
handleEvent(Event). Method in class
handleEvent(Event). Method in interface
handleEvent(Event). Method in class
handleException(Exception). Method in interface
handleException(Exception). Method in class
handleException(Exception). Method in class
handleException(Exception). Method in class
handleFileEvent(Event). Method in class
handleOtherEvent(Event). Method in class
handlePartnerEvent(Event). Method in class
handleProjectEvent(Event). Method in class
handleUserEvent(Event). Method in class
handleUserEvent(Event). Method in class
handleUserEvent(Event). Method in class
hasAttributes(). Method in class icc.db.File
Returns the number of attributes defined for this document.
hasAttributes(). Method in class icc.db.Partner
Returns the number of attributes defined for this partner.
hasAttributes(). Method in class icc.db.Select
Returns the number of attributes defined for this selection.
hasAuthors(). Method in class icc.db.WorkFile
Returns the number of readers and writers defined for this document.
hasContent(). Method in class icc.db.File
Returns whether this document contains a content string.
hasError(). Method in class
hasLinks(). Method in class icc.db.File
Returns the number of additional links defined for this document.
hasPath(). Method in class icc.db.Header
Returns whether this document specifies a file located in the file system underlying the login server.
hasPermits(). Method in class icc.db.Access
Returns the number of individual access rights.
hasText(). Method in class icc.db.Header
Returns whether this document specifies a short text (at most LENGTH characters) stored entirely in the database.
hasURL(). Method in class icc.db.Header
Returns whether this document specifies a URL.
Header(Integer, String, String, String). Constructor for class icc.db.Header
host(). Method in class


id(). Method in class
id(). Method in class
id(). Method in class icc.db.Entity
Returns the identifier of this entity.
id(). Method in class
id(). Method in class
id(). Method in class
id(String). Static method in class icc.db.Partner
Retrieves the partner identifier corresponding the specified username, if previously put.
IDCard(String, String, ServerSocket, int). Constructor for class
IDCard(String, String, Socket, int). Constructor for class
illegalAccess. Static variable in class icc.db.DBRequest
An exception to specify that a user's access rights are insufficient.
illFormedRequest. Static variable in class
image. Static variable in class
input(int). Method in class
inputs(). Method in class
insertAgent(Integer, Integer, String). Static method in class icc.db.AgentRequests
Creates a data request to insert the specified agent for the specified user and project.
isLinked(). Method in class icc.db.Header
Checks if this document is linked to other documents through grouping, threading or versioning.
isMember(Integer). Method in class icc.db.Team
Tests if the specified partner is a team member.
isNewer(). Method in class icc.db.Select
Returns whether the specified action on the selected documents is relatively newer or older than the reference date.
isNewer(Boolean). Method in class icc.db.Select
Sets whether the specified action on the selected documents is relatively newer or older than the reference date.
isPurse(). Method in class icc.db.Header
Returns whether this document specifies a purse.
isRegistered(int). Method in class
isServed(). Method in class
isSpecified(char). Static method in class icc.db.Access
Checks if an access right value does not equal NULL
isSpecified(Integer). Method in class icc.db.Access
Tests if an individual access right is defined for the specified partner
isTrusted(). Method in class icc.db.Entity
Checks if this is a trusted entity.
isTrusted(). Method in class icc.db.Link
Checks if this is a trusted link.


jsarea(). Method in class icc.db.Cube
Returns the project area specifier corresponding this cube.
jsauthors(). Method in class icc.db.WorkFile
Returns an enumeration of the readers and writers.
jscube(). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Returns the project cube of this folder.
jstime(). Method in class icc.db.Cube
Returns the project time specifier corresponding this cube.
jstype(). Method in class icc.db.Cube
Returns the project type specifier corresponding this cube.


keycode. Variable in class
keyword(). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Returns the common keyword defined for this folder, if any.


LAST_EDIT. Static variable in class icc.db.Select
A convenience constant to specify the action as the last edit.
lastedit. Variable in class icc.db.File
This variable specifies the last edit action.
LASTNAME. Static variable in class icc.db.Partner
A useful constant for specifying or retrieving the partner's last name.
LEAVES. Static variable in class
length. Variable in class
LENGTH. Static variable in class icc.db.Header
The maximum length of the name and title of this document.
link(Integer). Method in class icc.db.File
Returns the document's link with respect to the specified document identifier.
link(Integer, String). Method in class icc.db.File
Adds a document link.
Link(Integer, String). Constructor for class icc.db.Link
Allocates a Link object with the specified document identifier and link name.
Link(Integer, String, String). Constructor for class icc.db.Link
Allocates a Link object with the specified document identifier, link name and qualifier.
link(Link). Method in class icc.db.File
Adds a document link.
link(String, String). Method in class icc.db.File
Adds a document link.
links(). Method in class icc.db.File
Returns an enumeration of the links.
ListenerException(String). Constructor for class
ListenerException(String, Package). Constructor for class
localConnection(). Method in class
locator. Variable in class
lock(). Method in class icc.db.Entity
lock(). Method in class icc.db.Link
lock(Integer). Method in class icc.db.WorkFile
Locks this document to inhibit anybody from editing this document.
locked(). Method in class icc.db.WorkFile
Returns the identifier of the partner who locked this document, if locked.
locking(). Method in class icc.db.WorkFile
Creates a data request to update the lock of this document.


main(String[]). Static method in class OracleMediator
Mandate(String, String, Object). Constructor for class
MAXBYTES. Static variable in class icc.db.FileSystem
MAXBYTES. Static variable in class
MAXCHARS. Static variable in class
mayDelete(). Method in class icc.db.Cube
Checks if the cube's owner has delete permission
mayDelete(char). Static method in class icc.db.Access
Checks if the specified access right provides delete permission
mayDelete(Integer). Method in class icc.db.Access
Tests if an individual access right is defined for the specified partner and, if so, whether this access right provides delete permission
mayRead(). Method in class icc.db.Cube
Checks if the cube's owner has read permission
mayRead(char). Static method in class icc.db.Access
Checks if the specified access right provides read permission
mayRead(Integer). Method in class icc.db.Access
Tests if an individual access right is defined for the specified partner and, if so, whether this access right provides read permission
mayWrite(). Method in class icc.db.Cube
Checks if the cube's owner has write permission
mayWrite(char). Static method in class icc.db.Access
Checks if the specified access right provides write permission
mayWrite(Integer). Method in class icc.db.Access
Tests if an individual access right is defined for the specified partner and, if so, whether this access right provides write permission
MEDIATOR. Static variable in class
MEDIATOR. Static variable in class
mediator(). Method in class
MediatorService(ServiceCenter, int). Constructor for class
MODIFICATION. Static variable in class
MODIFICATION. Static variable in class icc.db.Select
A convenience constant to specify the action as a modification.
modifications. Variable in class icc.db.File
This variable specifies any modification actions.
mutationDate(). Method in class icc.db.Project
Returns the last modification date of this project.
mutationTime(). Method in class icc.db.Project
Returns the last modification date of this project, in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00.


name(). Method in class
name(). Method in class icc.db.Entity
Returns the name of this entity.
name(). Method in class
name(). Method in class icc.db.Phase
Returns the phase name.
name(). Method in interface
name(). Method in class
NEW. Static variable in class icc.db.Entity
The reserved identifier for new entities, before these are submitted to the project database.
newer. Variable in class icc.db.Select
This variable specifies whether the specified action on the selected documents is relatively newer or older than the reference date.
next. Variable in class
next(). Method in class
next(). Method in class
next(). Method in class
NEXT_VERSION. Static variable in class icc.db.Folder
A useful constant to specify the expansion link name for documents that are next versions of selected documents.
nextV. Variable in class icc.db.Header
This variable specifies all the immediately derived versions of this document.
NOACCESS. Static variable in class icc.db.FileSystem
NODELIVERY. Static variable in class
NONE. Static variable in class icc.db.Cube
This access right provides the owner no permissions.
NONE. Static variable in class
NONE. Static variable in class
nonServicedRequest. Static variable in class
NOTFOUND. Static variable in class icc.db.FileSystem
NULL. Static variable in class icc.db.Cube
This value specifies that no access rights are defined for this cube.


object. Variable in class
object. Variable in class
OracleMediator(). Constructor for class OracleMediator
ORIGIN. Static variable in class
origin(). Method in class
other(int, Object, IDCard). Static method in class
OtherEvents. Static variable in class
others. Variable in class icc.db.Access
The default access right for everybody except project partners.
output(). Method in class
outputClass(). Method in class
owner. Variable in class
owner(). Method in class


Package(IDCard, IDCard, Object). Constructor for class
Package(IDCard, IDCard, Object, IDCard). Constructor for class
Package(IDCard, Object). Constructor for class
Package(IDCard, Object, IDCard). Constructor for class
parent(). Method in class icc.db.Project
Returns the identifier of the parent of this project.
parse(String). Static method in class icc.db.Action
part(). Method in class
partner(int, Object, IDCard). Static method in class
Partner(Integer, String). Constructor for class icc.db.Partner
Partner(String). Constructor for class icc.db.Partner
Allocates a Partner object with the specified username.
PartnerEvents. Static variable in class
partners. Variable in class icc.db.Access
The default access right for all project partners.
partners(). Method in class icc.db.Project
Returns an enumeration of all project partner identifiers.
partners(String). Static method in class icc.db.Project
Creates a data request to retrieve an array of all project teams and partners in the specified project.
partnersSize(). Method in class icc.db.Project
Returns the number of project partners.
partnersTable. Variable in class icc.db.Project
PATH. Static variable in class icc.db.Header
A useful constant to specify the type of a document as a file located in the file system underlying the login server.
PATHTYPE. Static variable in class icc.db.Header
permission. Variable in class icc.db.Cube
The access right variable.
permission(Cube, Integer). Static method in class icc.db.Project
Returns the access right with respect to the specified cube and partner.
permission(Integer). Method in class icc.db.Access
Returns the individual access right for the specified partner.
permits(). Method in class icc.db.Access
Returns an enumeration of the individual access rights by partner identifier.
Phase(Integer, String, Date, Date). Constructor for class icc.db.Phase
Allocates a Phase object with the specified project identifier, name, and planned start and end date.
Phase(Integer, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, int). Constructor for class icc.db.Phase
Phase(Integer, String, String, String, String, String, int). Constructor for class icc.db.Phase
phases. Variable in class icc.db.Project
An array of phases information.
pkg. Variable in class
pkg. Variable in class
planEnd(). Method in class icc.db.Phase
Returns the planned end date of this phase.
plannedEnd(). Method in class icc.db.Phase
Returns the planned end date of this phase as a string.
plannedStart(). Method in class icc.db.Phase
Returns the planned start date of this phase as a string.
planStart(). Method in class icc.db.Phase
Returns the planned start date of this phase.
port(). Method in class
previousV. Variable in class icc.db.Header
This variable specifies the previous version of this document, if any.
process(Package). Method in class
process(Package). Method in interface
process(Package). Method in class
process(Package). Method in class
process(Package). Method in class
process(Package). Method in class
project(). Method in class icc.db.Cube
Returns the project identifier corresponding this cube.
project(). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Returns the project identifier of this folder.
project(). Method in class icc.db.Phase
Returns the project identifier of this phase.
project(int, Object, IDCard). Static method in class
Project(Integer, String, String, Action, String, Integer). Constructor for class icc.db.Project
Project(String, String, Partner, String, Project). Constructor for class icc.db.Project
Allocates a Project object with the specified name, title, administrator, project type and parent project.
ProjectEvents. Static variable in class
projectname(). Method in class icc.db.Team
Returns the team's project name.
provider. Variable in class
provider. Variable in class
PURSE. Static variable in class icc.db.Header
A useful constant to specify the type of a document as an electronic purse.
PURSETYPE. Static variable in class icc.db.Header
put(). Method in class icc.db.File
Stores this object for later retrieval by identifier.
put(). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Stores all documents in this folder for later retrieval.
put(). Method in class icc.db.Header
Stores this object for later retrieval by identifier.
put(). Method in class
put(). Method in class icc.db.Partner
Stores this object for later retrieval by username or identifier.
put(). Method in class icc.db.Phase
Stores this object for later retrieval by project identifier and name.
put(). Method in class icc.db.Project
Stores this object for later retrieval by name or identifier.
put(Integer). Method in class icc.db.Cube
Stores this object for later retrieval as the project cube for the specified document.


QUERY. Static variable in class icc.db.Header
The name of a service that retrieves document information from the database on request.
QUERY. Static variable in class icc.db.Partner
The name of a service that retrieves partner information from the database on request.
QUERY. Static variable in class icc.db.Project
The name of a service that retrieves project information from the database on request.


raise(). Method in class
raise(). Method in class icc.db.DBRequest
Stores an ill-formed request exception as the request's result.
raise(Exception). Method in class
raise(Exception). Method in class icc.db.DBRequest
Stores the specified exception as the request's result.
raise(RemoteException). Method in class
READ. Static variable in class icc.db.Cube
This access right provides the owner read permission only.
READER. Static variable in class icc.db.Select
A convenience constant to specify the collaborative author as a reader.
reader. Variable in class
READER. Static variable in class icc.db.WorkFile
A convenience constant for defining a partner as reader.
reAdjust(Date). Static method in class icc.db.Action
Adjusts the date backward by two and a half hours.
receive(DataRequest). Method in class icc.db.FileSystem
REDIRECT. Static variable in class
redirect(). Method in class
register(DataService, String, int[]). Method in class
register(Service, String). Method in class
register(ServiceAgent, String, String, int[]). Method in class
RemoteException(IDCard, String). Constructor for class
remove(). Method in class icc.db.File
Removes this object from local storage, if previously put.
remove(). Method in class icc.db.Header
Removes this object from local storage, if previously put.
remove(). Method in class
remove(). Method in class icc.db.Partner
Removes this object from local storage, if previously put.
remove(). Method in class icc.db.Phase
Removes this object from local storage, if previously put.
remove(). Method in class icc.db.Project
Removes this object from local storage, if previously put.
remove(Header). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Removes a document from this folder.
remove(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.Cube
Removes the project cube previously put for the specified document, if any.
remove(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.File
Removes the File and Header objects with the specified identifier previously put, if any.
remove(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.Partner
Removes the Partner object with the specified identifier previously put, if any.
remove(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.Project
Removes the Project object with the specified identifier previously put, if any.
remove(Integer, String). Static method in class icc.db.Phase
Removes the Phase object with the specified project identifier and project time specifier previously put, if any.
removeAttribute(String). Method in class icc.db.File
Removes an attribute.
removeAttribute(String). Method in class icc.db.Partner
Removes an attribute.
removeAttribute(String). Method in class icc.db.Select
Removes an attribute.
removeAuthor(Integer). Method in class icc.db.WorkFile
Removes a reader or writer.
removeAuthor(String). Method in class icc.db.WorkFile
Removes a reader or writer.
removeCube(Cube). Static method in class icc.db.Project
Removes access rights for the specified cube from the corresponding Project object.
removeFile(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.File
Removes the File object with the specified identifier previously put, if any.
removeHeader(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.Header
Removes the Header object with the specified identifier previously put, if any.
removePartner(Integer). Method in class icc.db.Project
Removes the specified partner from this project.
removePartner(Integer, Integer). Static method in class icc.db.Project
Creates a data request to add a partner to this project.
removePermission(Integer). Method in class icc.db.Access
Removes the individual access right for a partner.
removePermission(String). Method in class icc.db.Access
Removes the individual access right for a partner.
removeProject(Integer). Method in class icc.db.Partner
Creates a data request to remove this partner from the specified project.
removeTrust(String). Method in class icc.db.DBRequest
Creates a data request for a user to remove permanent trust with respect to a mediator's owner.
removeType(). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Unsets the common document type.
replace(Integer, Phase[]). Static method in class icc.db.Phase
Replaces all phase information for the specified project with the specified phases.
replyTo. Variable in class icc.db.Header
This variable specifies the document this document replies to (comments on), if any.
Request(String). Constructor for class
reset. Static variable in class icc.db.Header
A request to reset all document information stored at the webtop level.
reset. Static variable in class icc.db.Partner
A request to reset all partner information stored at the webtop level.
reset. Static variable in class icc.db.Project
A request to reset all project information stored at the webtop level.
reset(). Method in class
resolve(DataRequest). Method in class
result(). Method in class
retrieve(boolean). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Creates a data request to retrieve all documents that belong to this folder.
retrieve(Boolean). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Creates a data request to retrieve all documents that belong to this folder.
retrieve(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.Access
Creates a data request to retrieve all access information for the specified project.
retrieve(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.File
Creates a data request to retrieve the document information for the specified identifier.
retrieve(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.Partner
Creates a data request to retrieve the partner information for the specified identifier.
retrieve(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.Phase
Creates a data request to retrieve an array of phase information for the specified project.
retrieve(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.Project
Creates a data request to retrieve the project information for the specified project identifier.
retrieve(Integer, Cube). Static method in class icc.db.File
Creates a data request to retrieve the document information for the specified identifier.
retrieve(Integer[]). Static method in class icc.db.File
Creates a data request to retrieve an array of document informations for the specified identifiers.
retrieve(Integer[]). Static method in class icc.db.Partner
Creates a data request to retrieve an array of partner informations for the specified identifiers.
retrieve(String). Static method in class icc.db.Partner
Creates a data request to retrieve the partner information for the specified username.
retrieve(String). Static method in class icc.db.Project
Creates a data request to retrieve the project information for the specified project name.
retrieve(String, String). Static method in class icc.db.Partner
Creates a data request to retrieve an array of partner informations corresponding the specified attribute information.
retrieveAgents(Integer, Integer, String). Static method in class icc.db.AgentRequests
Creates a data request to retrieve the number of copies of the specified agent for the specified user and project.
retrieveAll(String). Static method in class icc.db.Project
Creates a data request to retrieve an array of project information for the specified project name and subprojects hereof.
retrieveFile(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.File
retrieveFiles(Integer[]). Static method in class icc.db.File
retrieveProjectAgents(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.AgentRequests
Creates a data request to retrieve the names of current agents for the specified project.
retrieveUserAgents(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.AgentRequests
Creates a data request to retrieve the names of current agents for the specified user.
returnToSender(). Method in class
returnToSender(Package). Method in class
returnToSender(Package). Method in class
returnToSender(Package, IDCard). Method in class
rights. Variable in class icc.db.Project
A vector of access rights information.
rights(). Method in class icc.db.Project
Creates a data request to retrieve a vector of access rights information for this project.
role(). Method in class
role(). Method in class
run(). Method in class
run(). Method in class
run(). Method in class
running. Variable in class


script. Variable in class
SEARCH. Static variable in class icc.db.Header
The name of a service that searches and retrieves document information from the database on request.
search(Integer). Method in class icc.db.Select
Creates a data request to search for documents corresponding the specified project identifier and this selection information.
search(Integer, boolean). Method in class icc.db.Select
Creates a data request to search for documents corresponding the specified project identifier and this selection information.
search(Integer, boolean, String, String). Method in class icc.db.Select
Creates a data request to search for documents corresponding the specified project identifier and this selection information.
Select(). Constructor for class icc.db.Select
Allocates a Select object corresponding a search for all documents.
Select(boolean, Vector, String, Date, boolean, Integer, Hashtable, Integer, String). Constructor for class icc.db.Select
Select(String, Date, boolean, Integer). Constructor for class icc.db.Select
Allocates a Select object to request a search for all documents with the specified action newer/older than the specified date, and authored by the specified partner.
send(Package). Method in class
send(Package). Method in class
serve(Connection, Request). Method in class icc.db.DBService
serve(Connection, Request). Method in class icc.db.UserAgentService
serve(Object). Method in class
serve(Object). Method in class icc.db.DBRequest
serve(Package). Method in class
serve(Request, IDCard). Method in class icc.db.DBService
serve(Request, IDCard). Method in class icc.db.FileSystem
serve(Request, IDCard). Method in class
serve(Request, IDCard). Method in interface
serve(Service, Request, IDCard). Method in class icc.db.DBCenter
serve(Service, Request, IDCard). Method in class
SERVICE. Static variable in class
service(). Method in class
service(). Method in class
service(int). Method in class
service(String). Method in class
ServiceAgent(ServiceCenter, String, String, int[]). Constructor for class
ServiceCenter(String). Constructor for class
ServiceCenter(String, String, int). Constructor for class
set(Hashtable). Static method in class
set(int, int, int, int, int). Static method in class icc.db.Action
setAction(String). Method in class icc.db.Select
Sets the action type specifier.
setAdministrator(Integer). Method in class icc.db.Project
Sets the project administrator.
setArea(String). Method in class icc.db.Cube
Sets the project area specifier for this cube.
setAttribute(String). Method in class icc.db.Select
Sets an attribute to allow any value.
setAttribute(String, String). Method in class icc.db.File
Sets an attribute.
setAttribute(String, String). Method in class icc.db.Partner
Sets an attribute.
setAttribute(String, String). Method in class icc.db.Select
Sets an attribute.
setAuthor(Integer, String). Method in class icc.db.WorkFile
Sets a reader or writer.
setAuthor(String). Method in class icc.db.Select
Sets the action author by username.
setAuthor(String, String). Method in class icc.db.WorkFile
Sets a reader or writer.
setByDays(float). Method in class icc.db.Select
Sets the reference date in days before now.
setByHours(float). Method in class icc.db.Select
Sets the reference date in hours before now.
setByMinutes(float). Method in class icc.db.Select
Sets the reference date in minutes before now.
setByMonths(float). Method in class icc.db.Select
Sets the reference date in months before now.
setByYears(float). Method in class icc.db.Select
Sets the reference date in years before now.
setCategories(String). Method in class icc.db.File
Sets the document categories.
setCategories(String). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Sets the common categories.
setCategories(String). Method in class icc.db.Select
Sets the selection categories.
setCollabAuthor(String). Method in class icc.db.Select
Sets the collaborative author by username.
setCollabType(String). Method in class icc.db.Select
Sets the collaborative author type.
setContent(String). Method in class icc.db.File
Sets the content string of this document.
setCube(String, String, String). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Sets the folder's project cube.
setDataHandler(DataHandling). Method in class
setDate(int, int, int, int, int). Method in class icc.db.Select
Sets the reference date.
setDate(String). Method in class icc.db.Select
Sets the reference date.
setEnd(Date). Method in class icc.db.Phase
Sets the actual end date of this phase.
setEventHandler(EventHandling, int[]). Method in class
setExpansion(String). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Sets the expansion link name.
setFrom(IDCard). Method in class
setId(Integer). Method in class icc.db.Entity
setId(Integer). Method in class icc.db.Header
Sets the document identifier.
setInput(Object, int). Method in class
setInput(Object, int). Method in class icc.db.DBRequest
setKeyword(String). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Sets the common keyword.
setLocale(Locale). Static method in class icc.db.Action
Sets the locale used when parsing and formatting dates.
setName(String). Method in class icc.db.Entity
setName(String). Method in class icc.db.Header
Sets the document name.
setName(String). Method in class icc.db.Link
Sets the link name.
setOthers(String). Method in class icc.db.Access
Sets the default access right for others than project partners.
setPartner(Integer, String). Method in class icc.db.Project
Adds the specified partner to this project with the specified function.
setPartners(String). Method in class icc.db.Access
Sets the default access right for project partners.
setPermission(Integer, char). Method in class icc.db.Access
Sets the individual access right for a project partner.
setPermission(String, String). Method in class icc.db.Access
Sets the individual access right for a project partner.
setProject(Integer). Method in class icc.db.Cube
Sets the project identifier for this cube.
setQualifier(String). Method in class icc.db.Link
Sets the link qualifier.
setStart(Date). Method in class icc.db.Phase
Sets the actual start date of this phase.
setStatus(int). Method in class icc.db.Phase
Sets the status of this phase.
setTime(long). Method in class icc.db.Select
Sets the reference date to represent the specified number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
setTime(String). Method in class icc.db.Cube
Sets the project time specifier for this cube.
setTitle(String). Method in class icc.db.Header
Sets the document title.
setTitle(String). Method in class icc.db.Project
Sets the project title.
setTo(IDCard). Method in class
setTrust(String). Method in class icc.db.DBRequest
Creates a data request for a user to indicate permanent trust with respect to a mediator's owner.
setType(String). Method in class icc.db.Cube
Sets the project type specifier for this cube.
setType(String). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Sets the common document type.
setType(String). Method in class icc.db.Header
Sets the document type.
setType(String). Method in class icc.db.Project
Sets the project type.
setUsername(String). Method in class icc.db.Partner
Sets this partner's username.
sign(PrivateKey, byte[]). Method in class
size. Variable in class
size(). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Returns the number of documents contained in this folder.
size(Integer). Static method in class icc.db.Phase
solves(DataRequest). Method in class
source. Variable in class
speaker. Variable in class
Speaker(String, String, int). Constructor for class
STANDARD. Static variable in class
start(). Method in class icc.db.Phase
Returns the start date of this phase.
start(). Method in class
start(). Method in class
status(). Method in class icc.db.Phase
Returns the status of this phase, as a percentage of completed work.
stop. Static variable in class
stop(). Method in class
stream. Variable in class
Streamer(Speaker, StreamingPackage, PipedInputStream). Constructor for class
Streamer(Speaker, StreamingPackage, PipedReader). Constructor for class
StreamingPackage(). Constructor for class
StreamingPackage(IDCard). Constructor for class
StreamingPackage(IDCard, IDCard). Constructor for class
StreamingPackage(IDCard, IDCard, IDCard). Constructor for class
subprojects. Variable in class icc.db.Select
This variable specifies whether subprojects should be included in the search.
successful(). Method in class
SYSTEM. Static variable in class icc.db.File
The name of a service that provides access to the local file system on request.


target. Variable in class
team(). Method in class icc.db.Team
Returns the team members' identifiers.
Team(Integer, String, String, Integer[]). Constructor for class icc.db.Team
Team(String, String, Integer[]). Constructor for class icc.db.Team
Allocates a team object with the specified name, project name and members.
test(). Method in class icc.db.DBCenter
TEXT. Static variable in class icc.db.Header
A useful constant to specify the type of a document as a short text (at most LENGTH characters) stored entirely in the database.
TEXTDIR. Static variable in class icc.db.FileSystem
TEXTTYPE. Static variable in class icc.db.Header
time(). Method in class icc.db.Cube
Returns the project time specifier corresponding this cube.
times. Variable in class icc.db.Project
The array of valid time specifiers.
title(). Method in class icc.db.Project
Returns the title of this project.
to(). Method in class
topLevel(Header). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Tests if the specified document is a top level document in this folder.
toString(). Method in class
toString(). Method in class
toString(). Method in class
toString(). Method in class
type. Variable in class
type. Variable in class
type(). Method in class icc.db.Cube
Returns the project type specifier corresponding this cube.
type(). Method in class icc.db.Folder
Returns the common document type defined for this folder, if any.
type(). Method in class icc.db.Project
Returns the type of this project.
TYPES. Static variable in class icc.db.Header
The document types array.
types. Variable in class icc.db.Project
The array of valid type specifiers.


uncollaborate(). Method in class icc.db.WorkFile
Duplicates a WorkFile object as a File object.
UNKNOWN. Static variable in class icc.db.Cube
This value specifies that the access right is unknown at this time or place.
unlink(Integer). Method in class icc.db.File
Removes a document link.
unlink(String). Method in class icc.db.File
Removes a document link.
unlock(Integer). Method in class icc.db.WorkFile
Unlocks this document if previously locked by the same partner.
update(). Method in class icc.db.Access
Creates a data request to update the access rights according to this object.
update(Access[]). Static method in class icc.db.Access
Creates a data request to update the access rights according to the specified array of Access objects.
update(Integer, Phase[]). Static method in class icc.db.Phase
Creates a data request to update the phase information for the specified project.
upload(Cube, String). Method in class icc.db.File
Creates a data request to create this document with respect to the specified project cube.
upload(String). Method in class icc.db.File
Creates a data request to modify this document information.
URL. Static variable in class icc.db.Header
A useful constant to specify the type of a document as a URL.
URLTYPE. Static variable in class icc.db.Header
USER. Static variable in class
user(int, Object, IDCard). Static method in class
USERAGENTS. Static variable in class icc.db.AgentRequests
The name of a service that provides user agent information.
UserAgentService(DBCenter). Constructor for class icc.db.UserAgentService
UserEvents. Static variable in class
userID(String). Static method in class
username(). Method in class
username(). Method in class icc.db.Partner
Returns the partner's username.


view. Variable in class icc.db.Folder
This vector specifies the top level documents in this folder.


wakeUp(Object). Method in interface
wakeUp(Object). Method in class
whoami(). Static method in class
WorkFile(Integer, String, String, String). Constructor for class icc.db.WorkFile
WorkFile(String, String, String). Constructor for class icc.db.WorkFile
Allocates a WorkFile object with the specified type, name and title.
WRITE. Static variable in class icc.db.Cube
This access right provides the owner read and write, but no delete permission.
WRITER. Static variable in class icc.db.Select
A convenience constant to specify the collaborative author as a writer.
WRITER. Static variable in class icc.db.WorkFile
A convenience constant for defining a partner as writer.

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