Partner Requests
1. Partner retrieval - icc.db.Partner
Find the partner identifier corresponding the specified username in the project database
public static DataRequest find(String name);
Service: Partner.QUERY
Result: Integer
Arguments: String name
Retrieve the partner information for the specified username
public static DataRequest retrieve(String name);
Service: Partner.QUERY
Result: Partner
Arguments: String name
Retrieve the partner information for the specified identifier
public static DataRequest retrieve(Integer id);
Service: Partner.QUERY
Result: Partner
Arguments: Integer id
Retrieve an array of partner informations for the specified identifiers
public static DataRequest retrieve(Integer[] ids);
Service: Partner.QUERY
Result: Partner[]
Arguments: Integer[] ids
Retrieve an array of partner informations corresponding the specified attribute information
public static DataRequest retrieve(String type, String value);
Service: Partner.QUERY
Result: Partner[]
Arguments: String type, String value
2. Partner specification - icc.db.Partner
Create a new partner in the database with specified password and add this partner to the specified project (with function), as a member of the specified team
public DataRequest create(Integer project, String password, String function, Integer team);
Service: Partner.ENTRY
Arguments: Integer id, Integer team
Events: Event.partner(Event.CREATION, partner, null);
Event.partner(Event.ENTERS, {project, id}, null);
Event.partner(Event.MODIFICATION, team, null);
Modify this partner or team information
public DataRequest alter();
Service: Partner.ENTRY
Arguments: user, Partner partner
Events: Event.partner(Event.EDIT, partner, null);
Add this partner to the specified project
public DataRequest addProject(Integer project);
Service: Project.ENTRY
Arguments: Integer id, Integer project, String ""
Events: Event.partner(Event.ENTERS, {project, id}, null);
Add this partner to the specified project (with function)
public DataRequest addProject(Integer project, String function);
Service: Project.ENTRY
Arguments: Integer id, Integer project, String function
Events: Event.partner(Event.ENTERS, {project, id}, null);
Remove this partner from the specified project
public DataRequest removeProject(Integer project);
Service: Partner.ENTRY
Arguments: Class Partner.class, Integer id
Events: Event.partner(Event.LEAVES, {project, id}, null);
Event.partner(Event.DELETION, id, null);
3. Team specification - icc.db.Team
Create this team in the project database
public DataRequest create();
Service: Partner.ENTRY
Result: Integer
Arguments: Team team
Events: Event.partner(Event.CREATION, team, null);
Replace the members of this team through the specified partner identifiers
public DataRequest alterTeam(Integer[] members);
Service: Partner.ENTRY
Arguments: Integer id, Integer[] members
Events: Event.partner(Event.MODIFICATION, id, null);
Delete this team from the project database
public DataRequest delete();
Service: Partner.ENTRY
Arguments: Class Team.class, Integer id
Events: Event.partner(Event.DELETION, id, null);
Last modified on 5 May 1999 by Rudi Stouffs