Project Requests
1. Project retrieval - icc.db.Project
Retrieve the project information for the specified project name
public static DataRequest retrieve(String name);
Service: Project.QUERY
Result: Project
Arguments: String name
Retrieve the project information for the specified project identifier
public static DataRequest retrieve(Integer id);
Service: Project.QUERY
Result: Project
Arguments: Integer id
Retrieve an array of project information for the specified project name and subprojects hereof
public static DataRequest retrieveAll(String name);
Service: Project.QUERY
Result: Project[]
Arguments: String name
2. Project information retrieval - icc.db.Project
Retrieve an array of all project teams and partners in the specified project
public static DataRequest partners(String name);
Service: Partner.QUERY
Result: Partner[]
Arguments: Integer[] identifiers
Retrieve an array of cube information for this project
public DataRequest cubes();
Service: Project.QUERY
Result: Cube[]
Arguments: Integer id
Retrieve a vector of access rights information for this project
public DataRequest rights();
Service: Project.QUERY
Result: Vector
Arguments: Integer id
3. Project information update - icc.db.Project
Update the partners of this project
public DataRequest alterPartners();
Service: Project.ENTRY
Arguments:, Hashtable partners
Events: Event.project(Event.EDIT, id, null);
Create this subproject
public DataRequest create();
Service: Project.ENTRY
Result: Integer
Arguments: Project project
Events: Event.project(Event.CREATION, {id, parentid}, null);
Update this project in the database
public DataRequest alter();
Service: Project.ENTRY
Arguments: Project project
Events: Event.project(Event.EDIT, id, null);
4. Access rights - icc.db.Access
Retrieve all access information for the specified project identifier
public static DataRequest retrieve(Integer id);
Service: Project.QUERY
Result: Vector
Arguments: Integer id
Update the access rights according to this Access object
public DataRequest update();
Service: Project.ENTRY
Arguments: Access access
Events: Event.Project(Event.EDIT, access, null);
Update the access rights according to this Access array
public static DataRequest update(Access[] acs);
Service: Project.ENTRY
Arguments: Access[] acs
Events: Event.Project(Event.EDIT, acs, null);
5. Access rights retrieval - icc.db.Cube
Retrieve the access rights defined for this project cube
public DataRequest getAccess();
Service: Project.QUERY
Result: Access
Arguments: Cube cube
6. Project phases - icc.db.Phase
Retrieve an array of phase information for the specified project
public static DataRequest retrieve(Integer id);
Service: Project.QUERY
Result: Phase[]
Arguments: Integer id
Alter the information of this phase in the project database
public DataRequest alter();
Service: Project.ENTRY
Arguments: Phase phase
Events: Event.project(Event.EDIT, phase, null);
Update the phase information for the specified project
public static DataRequest update(Integer id, Phase[] phases);
Service: Project.ENTRY
Arguments: Integer id, Phase[] phases
Events: Event.project(Event.EDIT, phases, null);
Last modified on 12 June 1999 by Rudi Stouffs