ICC System Aspects
These pages present an overview of the software characteristics, its components and security aspects, and the communication and data model adopted.
1. Design Characteristics
The design of the ICC system emphasizes portability, modularity, extensibility and adaptability.
2. Component Architecture
The multi-tier architecture includes a service-based application server architecture, a JDBC bridge to the database, an object-oriented middleware, and dynamically linked delegates.
3. Communication Model
General information and activity requests are specified in a request object. Push-technology, in the form of events and event-handlers, ensures that all environment components are informed of changes in the database.
4. Security Aspects
Security is provided through passwords for user authentication and digital signatures for the authentication of individual software components.
5. Data Model
Information entities provide the resources for all activities, a project organization assists in managing these entities, authoring information attributes credits and assigns responsibilities, and relationships embed the collaborative structure.
The information presented above is combined into a single document and illustrated with a series of images.
Last updated: 4 May 1999
Please send suggestions, comments and bug reports to tuncer@arch.ethz.ch