List Operations II

Inserting new symbols into a list

  • Create a list

  • (list a_sym b_sym)
  • Insert at the head

  • (cons new_sym a_list)
  • Merge lists

  • (append a_list b_list)


      (list 'a 'b)

    (A B)

      (cons 'a '(b c))

    (A B C)

      (append '(a b) '(c d))

    (A B C D)

      (list 'a '(b c) 3 '(a 3.9))

      (setq f1 '(a b c))

      (setq f2 '(d e f))

      (cons 3.5 f1)


      (append f1 f2)



      (setq f1 (cons 3.5 f1))


      (setq f1 (append f1 f2))



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