#!smake PROGRAM = exercise11 C++FILES = MyViewer.c++ \ MyBitmapButton.c++ \ rietveld.c++ \ cSphere.c++ \ student.c++ \ exercise11.c++ HFILES = MyBitmapButton.h \ MyViewer.h \ rietveld.h \ BitMaps.h \ cSphere.h \ student.h # /usr/include/make/commondefs and /usr/include/make/commonrules # define some useful Makefile rules. For example, they # defines a 'clean' target, so you can type 'make clean' # to remove all .o files (or other files generated during # compilation). See the file /usr/include/make/commonrules for # documentation on what targets are supported. include /usr/include/make/commondefs TARGETS = $(PROGRAM) MKDEPOPT = # Libraries to link with: LLDLIBS = -lGLU -lX11 -lm -lInventorXt default: $(TARGETS) include $(COMMONRULES) $(TARGETS): $(OBJECTS) $(C++F) -o $@ $(OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS)