eventspaces: A Multi-Author Game And Design Environment
[eventspaces] Urs Hirschberg, Kerstin Hoeger, George Liaropoulos Legendre, Michele Milano, Benjamin Staeger
Wahlfach CAAD: memetic engineering in Architecture
[ss99][ws97][ws96] Prof. Gerhard Schmitt, Cristina Besomi, Fabio Gramazio, Urs Hirschberg, Maria Papanikolaou, Patrick Sibenaler, Benjamin Staeger, Bige Tuncer, Daniel von Lucius, Florian Wenz a joint enquiry into the nature of space
[ws98][ss98][ss97] Urs Hirschberg, Cristina Besomi, Fabio Gramazio, Maria Papanikolaou, Benjamin Staeger, Bige Tuncer, Daniel von Lucius, Florian Wenz
Virtual Design Studio: international collaboration
[VDS_98][VDS_97] ETHZ: Prof. Gerhard Schmitt, Fabio Gramazio, David Kurmann, Urs Hirschberg, Eric van der Mark; HKU: Prof. Branko Kolarevic, Marc Aurel Schnabel; UW: Prof. Brian Johnson; UBC: Prof. Jerzy Wojtowicz; Uni Weimar: Prof. Dirk Donath, Ernst Kruijff
Internet für Architekten und Designer

diese Seite auf deutsch
Workshop Internet für Architekten und Designer
Team: Benjamin Staeger, Kai Strehlke [IFA99]
Workshop Internet für Architekten und Designer
Team: Prof. G. Schmitt, Urs Hirschberg, Fabio Gramazio [IFA98]
Workshop Internet für Architekten und Designer
Team: Prof. G. Schmitt, Urs Hirschberg, Fabio Gramazio [IFA97]


Twice a year, the chair for Architecture and CAAD organizes a course called "Internet for Architects and Designers". It is intended for practitioners interested in the implications and possibilities of the internet for their professional life. The course features a basic introduction into technical and historical backgrounds, hands-on sessions and many examples and explanations of current and future possibilities.

The websites are brought up to date before every new course, but stay online afterwards as a reference for the participants.

Team: Prof. G. Schmitt, Prof. Maia Engeli, Nathanea Elte, David Kurmann, Fabio Gramazio, Urs Hirschberg, Benjamin Staeger, Kai Strehlke

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