


In phase(x), the results of one phase and one author are taken as the starting point for the work in the next phase by a different author. As students can choose which model they want to work with, the whole body of students works can be viewed as an organism where, as in a genetic system, only the "fittest" works survive. Phase(x) can explicitly replace single authorship through collective authorship, because all relations between works, authors and timeline are recorded in the database and can be rendered and evaluated. Phase(x) thus also implies a new cultural model of distributed credits and copyrights.
Team: Prof. Gerhard Schmitt, Cristina Besomi, Fabio Gramazio, Urs Hirschberg, Maria Papanikolaou, Patrick Sibenaler, Benjamin Staeger, Bige Tuncer, Daniel von Lucius, Florian Wenz