join - faq for authors

How do I get a account? is a CAAD course at the architecture department at ETH Zurich, so the community mainly consists of architecture students. We welcome however interested contributing authors from other backgrounds.
To become a author you should have a genuine interest in issues of architectural space and its perception, access to the Internet, a Netscape-browser with a VRML2 plug-in.
It helps if you have CAD and image processing programs to create nodes, but written expression as well as scanned photos and sketches are valid content also.
If you're interested, send email to
How do I log in?
Your name and Password will be required as soon as you want to access any nodes as a user (you can only add new nodes in user mode). You can also register as a user (or a guest, for that matter) by clicking on the logo in the menu.
How can I add a new node?
Every new node must be linked to an already existing one. At the most 4 nodes can be linked to an existing one. When surfing as a user to a node that still has open slots, an add function will be available at the bottom of the player window. You click on it and enter a title for the new node. Now you have 60 Minutes to supply content to this node, by using the upload function that has become available now. Just follow the instructions.
Do I need to use FTP?
No. You use the file upload available in Netscape. It's as easy as writing email. First You select the image on your own computer with the browse button. Then you click on upload to submit the file to our server.
What filetypes can be uploaded?
The standard web-formats are accepted. So images can be GIF or JPG. It also depends on which node they're submitted as. In node1 and node2, only an image is expected. In node3 and node4 an image and a VRML file are needed, in node5 an animgif.
The system always gives instructions on what to upload.
How big do the images need to be?
Images should be big enough for the XL-version of the player, that is at least 645 X 484 pixels. They are automatically resized to fit the format if they're bigger. Additionally, previews in different sizes are produced as part of the upload procedure (which is why it sometimes takes a little longer).
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