benjamin cortesi
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group -> trödel
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do like john coltrane derail your own train
posted [16] NODES:
node 6: ad infinitum [04.02.99.-18:25]
node 4: meditationOne [08.01.99.-16:12]
node 3: costa cordalis [09.12.98.-23:18]
node 3: costa cubana [09.12.98.-23:17]
node 3: costa azzurra [09.12.98.-23:14]
node 3: costa brava [09.12.98.-23:12]
node 3: costa blanca [09.12.98.-23:02]
death is only one way of many not to live
thimotei-waschen sie ihr haar so oft sie wollen
"man kann ja gar nichts sehen es ist ja so dunkel" - "komm wir gehen" sagte sie. niemand würde es bemerken.
node 2: insight [19.11.98.-11:20]
node 2: travel [19.11.98.-11:18]
node 2: work [19.11.98.-11:16]
node 2: dream [19.11.98.-11:03]
node 1: laboratory [02.11.98.-10:07]
a thousand ways lead to my apartment - it's near to a sport arena and a secondary station - it's neither edge nor center of the city - it's between 2 parallel lines of public transport - its postal code has 2 zeros in the middle - its walls are old and blue
posted [1] tours:
jazztest [11]

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