Pascal Cavegn
aka -> Neuromancer
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space - the infinty of time
posted [25] NODES:
go on[27.01.99.-13:24]
Now go on... live your life...but always remember these things.... they are there, even if you're not aware of them ....
What about light???? Ever seen how much it is changing our view and the space itself in which we are living??? Take a look at these pictures
safety gone[27.01.99.-13:20]
The welknown safety of your home may be gone forever......the outside as a chaos of obstacles which have to be solved every day from the beginning.... are you able to do it once again
let behind you the normal point of view ....go farther... see behind reality
the entry[27.01.99.-13:16]
You are bored and wanna see something different??? Then you are just on the right ride... sit reality beeing changed through time, space and light experiences... let's open the door to another world....
the beginning[27.01.99.-13:13]
Hi and welcome to my world!
light and time[27.01.99.-12:54]
lights are moving around through the infinity of time always creating new visible aspects of space
node 6: the cave [27.01.99.-12:50]
space and time[14.01.99.-10:33]
You've never seen a place the right way by only seeing it in one shade of light
node 5: Colorlight [14.01.99.-10:26]
node 5: Torchlight [14.01.99.-10:25]
node 5: Light above [14.01.99.-10:22]
node 5: Daylight [14.01.99.-10:08]
node 4: insomnia [08.01.99.-13:32]
node 3: to the outside 4 [10.12.98.-01:56]
node 3: to the outside 3 [10.12.98.-01:54]
node 3: to the outside 2 [10.12.98.-01:51]
node 3: to the outside [10.12.98.-01:38]
Once again the time has come... You have to go out there, to the outside - to the other world, away from your protecting home where you feel so secure... out into the place of danger and destruction. Your way filled with obstacles you have to go through, the path over scary platforms to a tube leading downwards into the center of chaos
node 2: garden opening [19.11.98.-00:00]
node 2: insights [18.11.98.-23:40]
node 2: deconstruction [18.11.98.-23:35]
node 2: no return [18.11.98.-23:31]
I was walking around ... searching for a place ... a place to live some time of my life ... a place that maybe could be called home ... There I found it ... next to a park .... some rocks and a lake within... remembering me of mountains and freedom... telling me in it's own way ... I've reached my home ...
node 1: place to live [30.10.98.-20:33]
posted [1] tours:
reality [16]

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