Monika-Ewa Wisniewska
aka -> spaced
group -> space cookie
[fr_4] [online-id][home]
your mind creates your reality
posted [18] NODES:
node 5: finale [02.02.99.-22:25]
node 5: sol5 [02.02.99.-22:24]
node 5: trans5 [02.02.99.-22:22]
node 5: sol4 [02.02.99.-22:18]
node 5: trans4 [02.02.99.-22:17]
node 5: sol3 [02.02.99.-22:13]
node 5: trans3 [02.02.99.-22:12]
node 5: sol2 [02.02.99.-22:10]
node 5: trans2 [02.02.99.-22:09]
node 5: sol1 [02.02.99.-22:06]
node 5: trans1 [02.02.99.-21:52]
node 2: plas(ma)tic(50%) [20.11.98.-17:38]
node 2: noINlimits [20.11.98.-17:35]
node 2: plas(ma)tic [20.11.98.-17:31]
node 2: noOUTlimits [20.11.98.-17:26]
node 2: canUseepink? [20.11.98.-17:19]
node 1: insearchof space [09.11.98.-13:26]
"When atoms are traveling straight down through EMPTY SPACE by their own weight, at quite indeterminate times and places, they swerve ever so little from their course,just so much that you would call it a change of direction. If it were not for this swerve, everything would fall downwards through the ABYSS OF SPACE. No collision would take place and no impact of atom on atom would be created. Thus NATURE would never have created ANYTHING." (Lucretius)
posted [1] tours:
fake_adventure [11]

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