Die Stadt der Moderne. Strategien zu Erhaltung und Planung
Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, Konstanze Sylva Domhardt, eds.
Die Stadt der Moderne
Strategien zu Erhaltung und Planung
2016. 19.8 x 29.7 cm, softcover with flap
276 pages, 162 illustrations
ISBN 978-3-85676-355-8
CHF 58.00 / EUR 54.00
Contributions by Joseph Abram, Eva Branscome, Winfried Brenne, Konstanze Sylva Domhardt, Heidi Fengel, Nicole Froberg, Bernhard Furrer, Ulrich Hartung, Alexander Krauß, Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, Michael Rainer, Pierre Rey, Sylvia Schönolt, Oliver Leo Schreiber, Sibylle Schulz
Designed by Patrizia Zanola
How can urban planning testimonies of the 20th century be preserved in the present and in the future as a ‘tangible whole’? How should the preservation of historical monuments deal with the modern city? Any interaction with the modern city requires a holistic view beyond the boundaries of the discipline of monument preservation. Nine case studies on European cities, ensembles and settlements illustrate the difficult balance between preservation and design. The contributions come from historians, representatives from the fields of building research and inventory, practical monument conservators, architects and urban planners.