Enzyklopädie zum gestalteten Raum
Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani,
Konstanze Sylva Domhardt,
Rainer Schützeichel, eds.
Enzyklopädie zum gestalteten Raum
Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Stadt und Landschaft
2014. 19.5 x 28 cm, clothbound with dustjacket
512 pages, 342 illustrations
ISBN 978-3-85676-325-1
CHF 105.00 / EUR 98.00
Contributions by Norman Backhaus, Hans-Peter Bärtschi, Annemarie Bucher, Dirk Bühler, Konstanze Sylva Domhardt, Cornel Doswald, Dietrich Erben, Axel Föhl, Christophe Girot, André Guillerme, Simone Hain, Ruth Hanisch, Jürgen Hasse, Ansgar Hoppe, Richard Ingersoll, Michael Jakob, Cornelia Jöchner, Bettina Köhler, Bernd Kreuzer, Suzanne Kríženecký, Hansjörg Küster, Marcello La Speranza, Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, Mark Michaeli, Dietrich Neumann, Dunja Richter, Hans-Ulrich Schiedt, Franz Schmithüsen, Rainer Schützeichel, Reiner Sörries, Wolfgang Sonne, Nicole Uhrig
Designed by Patrizia Zanola
Man intervenes in his environment in a comprehensive way. Consciously or casually, but mostly use-oriented, he radically or hardly noticeably transforms them. Our living space is subject to a complex structure of influences in which natural conditions and political, economic, social or cultural motives interact. Starting from a holistic, synoptic point of view, the publication examines the mechanisms of the design of the closely interwoven cultural space of city and landscape. Approximately 40 elements of our physical environment are exemplarily analysed from a decidedly historical perspective and a perspective that combines planning, humanities and cultural studies. The interlocking of the elements and their effects are not only revealed through the text. The complex interrelationships can be experienced visually and ‘read’ via commented illustrations that establish both concrete and associative references between the individual contributions.