Gefüllte Leere: Das Bauen der Schule von Solothurn Barth, Zaugg, Schlup, Füeg, Haller
Jürg Graser
Gefüllte Leere
Das Bauen der Schule von Solothurn
Barth, Zaugg, Schlup, Füeg, Haller
2014. 22.5 x 30 cm, hardcover
372 pages, 193 illustrations
ISBN 978-3-85676-281-0
CHF 89.00 / EUR 83.00
With photographs by Andrea Helbling
Designed by Philippe Mouthon
Alfons Barth, Hans Zaugg, Max Schlup, Franz Füeg and Fritz Haller went down in architectural history as the ‘School of Solothurn’. But as homogeneous as her work may appear in his quest for general, contemporary solutions and constructive precision, so different is her architectural language. Despite their common interest in geometric order, industrial construction and a preference for contemporary materials, each of them occupies an independent position in the field of the so-called steel-glass architecture of post-war modernism.