Theorie und Stofflichkeit der Architektur
Ákos Moravánszky
Theorie und Stofflichkeit der Architektur
2015. 16 x 24 cm, clothbound
384 pages, 155 illustrations
ISBN 978-3-85676-340-4
CHF 75.00 / EUR 72.00
Contributions in German or English
Preface by Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani
Designed by Philippe Mouthon
Architectural theory has a similar relationship to the building as the falsework has to a vault. It remains invisible, only a careful examination of the finished construction allows its mental reconstruction – that is the task that the author of this volume sets himself. The essays are grouped around three major topics: Theory of architecture, the architectural history of Central Europe in the 20th century and architectural criticism.
‘Moravánszky’s personality, his unwavering sincerity and wise rationality can be felt in each of his essays,’ writes Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani in his preface. ‘He presents his knowledge generously, which goes far beyond what orthodox architectural history and theory has so far spread; in the midst of this exuberant knowledge he shows a way that is never easy, but always easy to follow.’