Metron: Planen und Bauen 1965–2003
Daniel Kurz, Bruno Maurer, Werner Oechslin, Ruedi Weidmann, eds.
Planen und Bauen 1965–2003
2003. 22.5 x 30 cm, softcover with flap
320 pages, 310 illustrations
ISBN 978-3-85676-119-6
CHF 78.00 / EUR 73.00
Contributions by Daniel Engler, Elena Folini, Ursina Jakob, Joachim Kleiner, Michael Koch, Daniel Kurz, Bruno Maurer, Werner Oechslin
Designed by Philippe Mouthon und Angelika Wey-Bomhard
The name Metron stands for cooperation between experts from architecture, planning, landscape, economics and law. This monograph examines Metron’s pioneering role as well as its projects and realizations and subjects them to critical appraisal.