Städte bauen: Städtebau und Stadtentwicklung in der Schweiz 1940–1970
Angelus Eisinger
Städte bauen
Städtebau und Stadtentwicklung in der Schweiz 1940–1970
2004. 22.5 x 30 cm, softcover with flap
360 pages, 205 illustrations
ISBN 978-3-85676-148-6
CHF 78.00 / EUR 73.00
Foreword by Werner Oechslin
With photographs by Joël Tettamanti
Designed by Philippe Mouthon and Vera Pechel
Städte bauen is the first comprehensive contribution to urban development in Switzerland between 1940 and 1970, Angelus Eisinger shows that road networks, suburban settlements and high-rise buildings are the result of complex and contradictory social change. 30 large-format colour pictures by Joël Tettamanti impressively refer to the ‘inconspicuous’ presence of the plans of that time in today’s settlement pattern.