Südliches Bodenseeufer
ETH Studio Basel,
Institut Stadt der Gegenwart (eds.)
Südliches Bodenseeufer
Projekt für eine urbanisierte Kulturlandschaft
2012. 16 x 16 cm, softcover
324 pages, 247 illustrations
ISBN 978-3-85676-311-4
CHF 38.00 / EUR 35.00
A study commissioned by the Think Tank Thurgau
Contributions by Stefanie Krautzig, Mathias Gunz, Christian Mueller Inderbitzin
The expansion of the city consumes land and threatens the cultural landscape. The separation between building and non-building land has proved to be only partially effective protection of the cultural landscape. This study presents new forms of living and working for the southern shore of Lake Constance. With the dissolution of the contrast between building and non-building land and the cautious settlement of traditional cultivated land, this is no longer oppressed but transformed into a new, stable form.