Was der Architekt vom Stahlbeton wissen sollte
Uta Hassler, Institut für Denkmalpflege und Bauforschung IDB, eds.
Was der Architekt vom Stahlbeton wissen sollte
Ein Leitfaden für Denkmalpfleger und Architekten
2010. 22.4 x 28.7 cm, softcover
168 pages, 174 illustrations
ISBN 978-3-85676-232-2
CHF 48.00 / EUR 45.00
Contributions by Eugen Brühwiler, Martin Günter, Hubert K. Hilsdorf, Alexander Kierdorf, Harald S. Müller, Hartwig Schmidt
Designed by Oliver Schmid
Reinforced concrete is today the most important building material in building construction and civil engineering. It is a ‘young’ material, not much older than 150 years, which gained its importance for the building industry only on the basis of engineering research. The publication deals with the history of reinforced concrete construction, the materials and the causes of damage. Civil engineers, civil historians and architects will also demonstrate methods of ‘cautious’ restoration of historical reinforced concrete structures.