Weise, gelehrt und erfahren. Philibert Delorme
Niklas Nährig
Weise, gelehrt und erfahren
Philibert Delorme und die gesellschaftliche Verantwortung des Architekten in der französischen Renaissance
2016. 16.5 x 24.5 cm, softcover with flap
388 pages, 84 illustrations
ISBN 978-3-85676-359-6
CHF 58.00 / EUR 54.00
Foreword by Werner Oechslin
Designed by Philippe Mouthon and Oliver Schmid
No other architect has shaped the construction process in France in the 16th century as much as Philibert Delorme (around 1514–1570). He was brought to the French court by Henri II and, as the chief building officer, determined the appearance of the monarchy. After Henri’s death, he turned to writing, even redefining the textbook of architecture and establishing the type of political architect.
Delorme characterized this architect, who saw himself as a brilliant artist and equally as a responsible member of a cultural and political elite, in Premier Tome (published in 1567) with the words sage, docte & expert as wise, learned and experienced.