Spezialfragen Bauphysik
Chair of Building Physics

 u p d a t e   Thursday, December 04, 2003


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Research strategy

Building Physics deals very much with the energy need, the comfort and the durability of a building. Long term sustainability in construction requires a sound scientific base in these topics.
The chair of building physics therefore focuses its efforts
  1. on the physical fundamentals of the processes relevant to buildings and their sustainability,
  2. on applied research in this field as far as an enhanced need of theory exists or where new measurement methods have to be developed,
  3. the transfer of its scientific knowledge relevant for the sustainability of buildings on to real projects in order to make it as soon as possible becoming useful for sustainability on a large scale,
  4. other applied research is left to the engineering colleges (FH), the EMPA and industry. However, a co-operation under point 2. above is possible.

Current research



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