Spezialfragen Bauphysik
Chair of Building Physics

 u p d a t e   Thursday, December 04, 2003


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The transport equations for heat and moisture in porous structures

Collaborator: Dr. rer. nat. habil. Eugen Magyari, PhD Physics
Start: 01/1996

Contacts: E. Magyari, B. Keller


Funds: own resources

The transport of heat and moisture in porous structures still presents fundamental problems of understanding. In a first attempt, the existing equations have been thoroughly investigated to exploit their potential. Some interesting results could be obtained:

  • An important ambiguity in the description of non-linear heat and moisture fields. (Res. Rep. Nr. 3/97)
  • A complete and final discussion of capillary dynamics. (Res. Rep. Nr. 4/97)
  • A reformulation and solution of the Ljukov system of equations by so-called "diffusors". (Res. Rep. Nr. 4/97 and Heat and Mass Transfer 35, 49-52 (1999))



An outcome of this work is the commencement of the new project "Heat and moisture transport in fractal structures".

The goal:

Clarifying and understanding the existing phenomenological equations for heat and moisture transport in porous structures.

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