CHEN, Min-Chieh : hello world
Portfolio & CV | MAS 0910
Personal Link | Digital Fabrication | Processing | Physical Computing | FiDU 09/10 | Packed Pavilion
What's new?
- Rambler Facade new update! - (14/10/2011)

Rambler Facade
- dezeen - (02/01/2010)
- Packed Pavilion is now updating with Shanghai part in Full HD mode! - (14/12/2010)
05. Packed Pavilion
- this video is the final presentation of our MAS CAAD MODULE V - by Dominik Zausinger,
Michele Leidi, and Min-Chieh Chen (16.09.2010). the "Packed" is built by 409 cones -
each cone has 28 layers of cardboard. "Packed" will present in ShangHai Art Museum at
the end of September 2010. - the final version with HD quality is now on Vimeo!
- Packed Pavilion Official Website
- dezeen new update! 02/01/2010
new update! 20/12/2010
on Vimeo -
Please watching on Full Screen mode and switching to HD quality!
04. FiDU 09/10
- We are here - Schlieren!
- TRUMPF - Laser cutting company in Switzerland / address
- DMY 2010 in Berlin
DMY 2010 - International Design Festival in Berlin
03. Physical Computing
- read this PDF first - if you already forgot most electronic laws. -important!
- some pdf and ebook about "Physical Computing"
- if someone wanna to - HACK the SERVO motor...
- some information about Physical Computing:
software -
Arduino / YaBB - play with Arduino!
ASCIItable - American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
hardware -
Electronic Brick - starter Kit, for beginner is enough.
Conrad - found everything you need.
DataSheet - know more about the hardware.
All About Circuits - very useful website, like wikipedia. - nice webpage.
Electronic shop in Zurich -
street view / Pusterla Elektronik AG - Hohlstrasse 52, 8004 Zrich / Tel. 044 241 56 77
street view / Conard
- Topic:PWM
Webpage / Timer
Webpage / PWM all Pins
Webpage / AVR Timers an Introduction
Webpage / Secrets Of Arduino PWM
Forum / Adjustable PWM frequency
Document / Pulse Width Modulation
Datasheet / AVR131: Using the AVRs High-speed PWM
Simple test - Balloon02
Simple test - Balloon01
Simple test - Prototype02
Simple test - Prototype01
Simple test - Arduino & SERVO motor x 2
Simple test - True Color LED test
Simple test - Sensing light Competition!
Simple test - Go Go Straight Competition!
Simple test - how our Vehicle works?
02. Processing
- the final version with HD quality is now on Vimeo and YouTube™!
- Sandy_v.263 is now on digitalurban | processing-3d-city-in-one-minute -new!
- Sandy_v.263 is now on monogocoro -new!
- this video is the final presentation of our MAS CAAD MODULE II - by Jakob,
Michele, and Jay (14.01.2010). All those geometry of city are generated in
Processing, from the elements of facade to a city. We focus on some issue;
about interface, detail control, and how to integrate with other software.
the final data is EXPORT to DXF format, and import to 3ds MAX for rendering.
3 minutes film, 3hardsmart working men, and 263 different Sandy versions.
this video is for our teammates, and all you try to start programming
something, but don't know how to do it - like us in 6 weeks ago.
thanks for watching!
- Processing City is now updating with different rendering mode!
Processing City / Sandy_v263
HD version
01. Digital Fabrication
- Warm-Up Project
RhinoScript & 3d Printer
VIEW this pdf document

- Triangular Hexagon System
RhinoScript & Prototype
VIEW this pdf document

00. Personal Link
- Other Projects
- Contact
e-mail | youtube | schedulenew | Phone:076-520-9954