| MAS ETH ARCH/CAAD - 2005/06 Master of Advanced Studies in Architecture, Specialization in Computer Aided Architectural Design | 065-0005/6 Supervision: Prof. Dr. Ludger Hovestadt, Philipp Schaerer Chair of CAAD, ETH Zurich
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| Wed, 26.10.2005 | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Intro: Welcome ( Philipp Schaerer) |
| | 15.00 | HIL E 15.1 | IT Infrastructre: Accounts, VPN, etc.. (Serge Bilgeri, Computer Infrastructure Service, Faculty of Architecture) |
| | 16.00 | HIL | Guided Tour Hönggerberg: Infrastructure (Philipp Schaerer, If Ebnöther) |
| | 19.00 | Reithalle | Apéro: Restaurant Reithalle, Zürich (Chair of CAAD) |
| Thu, 27.10.2005 | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Intro: CAD-CAM (Prof. Dr. Ludger Hovestadt) |
WARMUP | | 11.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Intro: CAAD Twiki Warm-UP (Philipp Schaerer) |
| | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Intro: CAAD Research Field: Example: Swissbau (Christoph Schindler) |
| Fri. 28.10.2005 | 09.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Intro: CAAD/MAS 2002-03 Groupwork: ESG Pavillion (Pia Fricker, Kai Rüdenauer) |
| | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Intro: CAAD/MAS 2003-04 Groupwork: xCube (If Ebnöther) |
| | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Intro: CAAD Research Field: Example: Self Organization for Architectural Constructions ( Fabian Scheurer) |
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| Wed, 02.11.2005 | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Intro: CAAD/MAS 2004-05 Groupwork: m.any (Tobias Bonwetsch) |
| | 16.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Intro: CAAD Research Field - Examples: Adaptive Systems in Spatial Layout Design (Markus Braach) |
MODULE 01 | | 17.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 01: Short Introduction Assignment 01-1 (Philipp Schaerer, Kai Rüdenauer) |
| Thu, 03.11.2005 | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Presentation Twiki Warm-Up (Philipp Schaerer, Kai Rüdenauer) |
| | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 01: Introduction VectorScript: Basics I-I (Kai Rüdenauer) |
| Fri, 04.11.2005 | 11.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 01: Presentation Assignment 01-1 (Kai Rüdenauer) |
| | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 01: Introduction VectorScript: Basics I-II (Kai Rüdenauer) |
| | 17.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 01: Introduction Mini-Assignment Basic I (Kai Rüdenauer) |
| | | | |
| Wed, 09.11.2005 | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 01: Lecture VectorScript II (Kai Rüdenauer, Philipp Schaerer) |
| | 16.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 01: Introduction Mini-Assignment II (Kai Rüdenauer, Philipp Schaerer) |
| Thu, 10.11.2005 | | | |
| Fri, 11.11.2005 | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 01: Lecture VectorScript: III (Kai Rüdenauer, Philipp Schaerer) |
| | 16.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 01: Introduction Mini-Assignment III (Kai Rüdenauer, Philipp Schaerer) |
| | | | |
| Wed, 16.11.2005 | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 01: Lecture VectorScript IV (Kai Rüdenauer, Philipp Schaerer) |
| | 16.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 01: Introduction Mini-Assignment IV (Kai Rüdenauer, Philipp Schaerer) |
| Thu, 17.11.2005 | | | |
| Fri, 18.11.2005 | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 01: Lecture VectorScript V, 3D (Kai Rüdenauer, Philipp Schaerer) |
| | | | |
| Wed, 23.11.2005 | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 01: Presentation Assignment 01-2 (Kai Rüdenauer, Philipp Schaerer) |
| Thu, 24.11.2005 | 14.00 | Digitalwerkstatt | Module 01: Introduction: Digitalwerkstatt (If Ebnöther - tob confirmed) |
| Fri, 25.11.2005 | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 01: Refinement |
| | | | |
| Mon, 28.11.2005 | | | Seminarwoche (no course) |
| Tue, 29.11.2005 | | | Seminarwoche (no course) |
| Wed, 30.11.2005 | | | Seminarwoche (no course) |
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| Thu, 01.12.2005 | | | Seminarwoche (no course) |
| Fri, 02.12.2005 | | | Seminarwoche (no course) |
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| Mon, 05.12.2005 | | Digitalwerkstatt | Module 01: CNC-Fabrication |
| Tue, 06.12.2005 | | Digitalwerkstatt | Module 01: CNC-Fabrication |
| Wed, 07.12.2005 | | Digitalwerkstatt | Module 01: CNC-Fabrication |
| Thu, 08.12.2005 | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 01: Final Presentation Module 01 (Prof. Ludger Hovestadt, Kai Rüdenauer, Philipp Schaerer, If Ebnöther) confirmed |
MODULE 02 | Fri, 09.12.2005 | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 02: Introduction (Steffen Lemmerzahl, Kai Rüdenauer, Philipp Schaerer) |
| | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 02: Introduction Techniques & Assignment (Steffen Lemmerzahl) |
| | | | |
| Wed, 14.12.2005 | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 02: Review Assignment (Steffen Lemmerzahl, Kai Rüdenauer, Philipp Schaerer) |
| Thu, 15.12.2005 | | | Work on Assignment |
| Fri, 16.12.2005 | | | Work on Assignment |
| | | | |
| Wed, 21.12.2005 | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Final Presentation Module 01 (Prof. Ludger Hovestadt, Steffen Lemmrzahl, Kai Rüdenauer, Philipp Schaerer) |
HOLIDAYS | Tue, 22.12.2005 | - | - | Christmas Holiday: 22.12.2005 - 11.01.2006 |
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MODULE 03 | 11.01.2006, Wed | 14.00 | HIL E 65 | Module 03: Milling: Introduction Maya/MEL (Alexandre Kapellos, If Ebnöther) |
| 13.01.2006, Fri | 10.00 | HIL E 65 | Module 03: Introduction Surfcam (If Ebnöther) |
| | 14.00 | HIL B 41 | Module 03: Introduction Precix 3-Axis CNC-Mill (If Ebnöther) |
| 19.01.2006, Thu | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 03: Assignment II (If Ebnöther, Steffen Lemmerzahl, Philipp Schaerer) |
| 19.01.2006, Thu | 16:00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 03: Review Warm-Up (If Ebnöther, Alexandre Kapellos, Philipp Schaerer) |
| 20.01.2006, Fri | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | /bin/bash (Torsten Spindler) |
| 25.01.2006, Wed | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 03: Presentation Design Proposal and Manufacturing Strategy (If Ebnöther, Philipp Schaerer) |
| 26.01.2006, Thu | | HIL E 15.1 | Module 03: Work Session |
| 27.01.2006, Fri | | HIL E 15.1 | Module 03: Work Session |
| | | | |
| 01.02.2006, Wed | | Winterthur | Visit to Gewerbemuseum Winterthur, Exhibition "DesignLabor" (to be confirmed) |
| 02.02.2006, Thu | | B 41 | Module 03: Work Session, Milling |
| 03.02.2006, Fri | | B 41 | Module 03: Work Session, Milling |
| 03.02.2006, Fri | | | CAAD Ski - Weekend |
| 04.02.2006, Sat | | | CAAD Ski - Weekend |
| 05.02.2006, Sun | | | CAAD Ski - Weekend |
| | | | |
| 06.02.2006, Mon | | B 41 | Module 03: Work Session, Milling |
| 07.02.2006, Tue | | B 41 | Module 03: Work Session, Milling |
| 08.02.2006, Wed | | B 41 | Module 03: Work Session, Milling |
| 09.02.2006, Thu | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Lecture "Serious Game Design" (Steffen P. Walz) |
| 09.02.2006, Thu | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Interim Presentation: Milling Samples, Problems, Ideas (If Ebnöther) |
| 10.02.2006, Fri | | B 41 | Module 03: Work Session, Milling |
| | | | |
| 13.02.2006, Mon | | B 41 | Module 03: Work Session, Milling |
| 14.02.2006, Tue | | B 41 | Module 03: Work Session, Milling |
| 15.02.2006, Wed | | B 41 | Module 03: Work Session, Milling |
| 16.02.2006, Thu | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Lecture "Digital Material" (Odilo Schoch) |
| | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 03: Final Presentation (Ludger Hovestadt, If Ebnöther, Philipp Schaerer, ...) |
| 17.02.2006, Fri | | | No Course |
| | | | |
Module 04 | 21.02.2006, Mon | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 04: Introduction (Christoph Wartmann, Kai Rüdenauer) |
| | 10.15 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 04: Introduction Flash (Christoph Wartmann) |
| | 12.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 04: Miniassignement (Christoph Wartmann) |
| 21.02.2006, Tue | | | |
| 22.02.2006, Wed | 09.00 - 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 04: Basics I & Mini Assignement (Christoph Wartmann) |
| 23.02.2006, Thu | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Lecture "Architecture and Parametric Design" (Steffen Lemmerzahl) |
| 24.02.2006, Fri | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 04: Basics I - first Animation - (Christoph Wartmann) |
| 27.02.2006, Mon | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 04: Basics II (Christoph Wartmann) |
| | 12.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 04: Miniassignement (Christoph Wartmann) |
MARCH 2006:
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| 01.03.2006, Wed | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 04: Basics III (Christoph Wartmann) |
| | 12.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 04: Miniassignement (Christoph Wartmann) |
| 02.03.2006, Thu | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Lecture ""Digital Archives in Architectural Context"" (Katharina Bosch) |
| 03.03.2006, Fri | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 04: Actionscript++ (Christoph Wartmann) |
| | 12.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 04: Introduction: Final Assignement (Christoph Wartmann, Philipp Schaerer) |
| | | | |
| 08.03.2006, Wed | | | Module 04: Work and Assistance - Final Assignment (Christoph Wartmann, Kai Rüdenauer, Markus Braach) |
| 09.03.2006, Thu | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Lecture "Digital Analysis of Structure and Form. XML in History of Architecture" (Susanne Schuhmacher) |
| | 15.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 04: Mini-Presentation: Concept Configurator (Christoph Wartmann, Kai Rüdenauer, Markus Braach) |
| 10.03.2006, Fri | 10.00 | | Module 04: Lecture - Formulare (Christoph Wartmann) |
| | | | |
| 15.03.2006, Wed | 09.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Lecture - XML and Flash (Kai Rüdenauer) |
| 16.03.2006, Thu | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Lecture "Medien-Architektur-Geschichte" in german language (Andrea Gleiniger) |
| | 13.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 04: Work and Assistance - Final Assignment (Christoph Wartmann, Markus Braach, Kai Rüdenauer) |
| 17.03.2006, Fri | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 04: Work and Assistance - Final Assignment (Christoph Wartmann, Markus Braach, Kai Rüdenauer) |
| | | | |
| 22.03.2006, Wed | | | Module 04: Work and Assistance - Final Assignment (Christoph Wartmann, Markus Braach, Kai Rüdenauer) |
| 23.03.2006, Thu | 09.00 | HIL E 15.1 | "Programming Languages: Overview: what is what" open discussion with Karsten Droste |
| | 14.30 | HIL E 15.1 | Introduction: "Group- and/or Individual Thesis: Basics" (Philipp Schaerer) |
| 24.03.2006, Wed | | | Module 04: Work and Assistance - Final Assignment (Christoph Wartmann, Markus Braach, Kai Rüdenauer) |
| | | | |
| 29.03.2006, Wed | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 04: Final Presentation (Ludger Hovestadt, Christoph Wartmann, Kai Rüdenauer, Philipp Schaerer, ...) |
| 30.03.2006, Thu | | | No Course (Seminar - Gründung eines Kleinunternehmens: http://www.btools.ch/1_index.htm) |
| 31.03.2006, Fri | | | No Course (Seminar - Gründung eines Kleinunternehmens: http://www.btools.ch/1_index.htm) |
APRIL 2006:
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Module 05 | 05.04.2006, Wed | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 05: Introduction Adaptive Systems & Architecture (Markus Braach) |
| | 15.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 05: Introduction JAVA (Markus Braach) |
| 06.04.2006, Thu | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Lecture: "Geometrische Spurensuche" in german (Dr. Toni Kotnik) |
| | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 05: Lecture, Work and Assistance (Markus Braach) |
| 07.04.2006, Fri | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 05: Lecture, Work and Assistance (Markus Braach) |
| | | | |
| 12.04.2006, Wed | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 05: Lecture, Work and Assistance (Markus Braach) |
| 13.04.2006, Thu | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 05: Lecture, Work and Assistance (Markus Braach) |
| 14.04.2006, Fri | | | No Courses - Good Friday (Easter) |
| | | | |
| 19.04.2006, Wed | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 05: Lecture, Work and Assistance (Markus Braach) |
| 20.04.2006, Thu | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 05: Lecture, Work and Assistance (Markus Braach) |
| 21.04.2006, Fri | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 05: Lecture, Work and Assistance (Markus Braach) |
| | | | |
| 26.04.2006, Wed | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 05: Lecture, Work and Assistance (Markus Braach) |
| 27.04.2006, Thu | 10.00 | HIL E 19.1 | Lecture: "Raum Spiel Architektur - von Durand bis die Sims" (Benjamin Dillenburger) |
| | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 05: Lecture, Work and Assistance (Markus Braach) |
| 28.04.2006, Fri | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 05: Lecture, Work and Assistance (Markus Braach) |
MAY 2006:
| | | | |
| 03.05.2006, Wed | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 05: Lecture, Work and Assistance (Markus Braach) |
| 04.05.2006, Thu | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 05: Final Presentation (Ludger Hovvestadt, Markus Braach, Philipp Schaerer, .....) |
| 05.05.2006, Fri | | | |
| | | | |
| 10.05.2006, Wed | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Thesis Approach: Round Table |
| 11.05.2006, Thu | 10.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Lecture: "Rapid Prototyping - Contemporary Design Sensibilities in Architecture", Marcelyn Gow >more |
| | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Lecture: "L’envers du décor”, Brenda Edgar >more |
Module 06 | 12.05.2006, Fri | 10.00 | | Module 06: Introduction (Oskar Zieta, Philipp Schaerer.....) |
| | | | |
| 15.05.2006, Mon | | | |
| 16.05.2006, Tue | 8.00 | | |
| 17.05.2006, Wed | 16:30 | | Blech Team Ruemlang CH. |
| 18.05.2006, Thu | 10.00-15.00 | Dynamo | Schweisskurs : Patrick Bolle |
| 19.05.2006, Fri | 14.00 | HIL 19.1 | Thesis Approach: Round Table |
| | | | |
| 22.05.2006, Mon | | | No Courses - Seminarwoche |
| 23.05.2006, Tue | | | No Courses - Seminarwoche |
| 24.05.2006, Wed | | | No Courses - Seminarwoche |
| 25.05.2006, Thu | | | No Courses - Seminarwoche |
| 26.05.2006, Fri | | | No Courses - Seminarwoche |
| | | | |
| 31.05.2006, Wed | 14.00-15.00 | HPP H5 | scientific papers as MAS student ? |
JUNE 2006:
| | | | |
| 01.06.2006, Thu | 7.00 | I | Trumpf, Baar CH. |
| 02.06.2006, Fri | | | |
| | | | |
| 06.06.2006, Tue | 10.00 | | Beat Karrer Designer aus Zürich CH. |
| 07.06.2006, Wed | | | |
| 08.06.2006, Thu | | | |
| 09.06.2006, Fri | | | |
| | | | |
| 12.06.2006, Mon | 7.00 | II | Trumpf, Baar CH. |
| 13.06.2006, Mon | 7.00 | | Hochschule Technik + Architektur Luzern Herr Schmutz |
| 14.06.2006, Wed | | | |
| 15.06.2006, Thu | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Module 06: Final Presentation ( Ludger Hovestadt, Oskar Zieta, Philipp Schaerer.....) |
| 16.06.2006, Fri | | | Event: MAS Trip MAS goes Buergenstock Date 1 |
| | | | |
| 19.06.2006, Mon | | | Thesis Work: Approach |
| 20.06.2006, Tue | | | Thesis Work: Approach |
| 21.06.2006, Wed | | | Thesis Work: Approach |
| 22.06.2006, Thu | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Thesis Proposal : Presentation Abstract |
| 23.06.2006, Fri | | | Event: MAS Trip MAS goes Buergenstock Date 2 |
| | | | |
| 26.06.2006, Mon | | | Thesis Work: Refinement |
| 27.06.2006, Tue | | | Thesis Work: Refinement |
| 28.06.2006, Wed | | | Thesis Work: Refinement |
| 29.06.2006, Thu | 14.00 | HIL E 15.1 | Thesis Final Proposal : Presentation Abstract |
| 30.06.2006, Fri | | | No Courses - MAS CAAD Holidays (June 30 - July 20) |
| | | | |
JULY 2006:
| 26.07.2006, Wed | 14.00 | HIL 19.1 | Group Thesis: Presentation |
| | | | |
| 05.07.2006, Wed | | | No Courses - MAS CAAD Holidays |
| 06.07.2006, Thu | | | No Courses - MAS CAAD Holidays |
| 07.07.2006, Fri | | | No Courses - MAS CAAD Holidays |
| | | | |
| 12.07.2006, Wed | | | No Courses - MAS CAAD Holidays |
| 13.07.2006, Thu | | | No Courses - MAS CAAD Holidays |
| 14.07.2006, Fri | | | No Courses - MAS CAAD Holidays |
| | | | |
| 19.07.2006, Wed | | | No Courses - MAS CAAD Holidays |
| 20.07.2006, Thu | | | Thesis |
| 21.07.2006, Fri | | | |
| | | | |
| 27.07.2006, Thu | | | Thesis Work: Development |
| 28.07.2006, Fri | | | Thesis Work: Development |
| | | | |
AUGUST 2006:
| | | | |
| 02.08.2006, Wed | | | Thesis Work: Development |
| 03.08.2006, Thu | 10.00 | HIL E 19. | Group Thesis: Overall Presentation |
| 04.08.2006, Fri | | | Thesis Work: Development |
| | | | |
| 09.08.2006, Wed | | | Thesis Work: Development |
| 10.08.2006, Thu | | | Thesis Work: Development |
| 11.08.2006, Fri | | | Thesis Work: Development |
| | | | |
| 16.08.2006, Wed | 15.00 | | MEWAG in the house |
| 17.08.2006, Thu | 10.00 | HIL E 19. | Group Thesis: Overall Presentation |
| 18.08.2006, Fri | | | Thesis Work: Development |
| | | | |
| 23.08.2006, Wed | | | Thesis Work: Development |
| 24.08.2006, Thu | | | Thesis Work: Development |
| 25.08.2006, Fri | | | Thesis Work: Development |
| | | | |
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