REXplorer is a permanent pervasive game service launching in the best preserved medieval city in Germany, Regensburg, in August / September 2006. REXplorer is a project by the Regensburg Experience GmbH (REX), carried out jointly by RWTH Aachen's Media Computing Group and the ETH Zurich CAAD group. The game is partially sponsored by Nokia Research Centers Helsinki & Tampere (FI), and the Swiss National Science Foundation NCCR MICS.
In the game, the target group - teenage and student tourists - roleplays scientific assistants who investigate odd phenomena occuring across the city core. The players are equipped with a geo-positioning, intelligent measuring apparatus, allowing them to interact with historical and mythical Regensburg characters residing inside landmark buildings with the proper apparatus gesture. Thus, the apparatus serves as the game's controller. It is made out of a hard shell encasing a Nokia N70 smartphone and a GPS bluetooth device.
The goal of the module is to plan, design, and prototype the game controller according to requirements mentioned below until the end of the module (June 14, 2006). Afterwards, we will have 35 of the shells fabricated until Friday, July 14, 2006, using CAD techniques, as well as 3D printing and milling.
During the Beta playtest taking place on site Regensburg July 15-16, the controller will be evaluated. This may lead to an iteration for the final version of the controller.
This module is demanding as it leads to a real product, which will be used on an everyday basis by tourists. The project has tight, non-negotiable deadlines. Work prior to the module may be necessary. Your work will be cited and credited in publications, and have wide media coverage.
- Targets school classes and students age 16-25.
- Must correspond with CI on
- Communicates claim: "staunen! - erleben! - wissen! - erinnern!".
- "Dead box": contains & firmly fixes Nokia N70 and GPS bluetooth device in the inside, there will be no cabling.
- Supports player gesturing (e.g. by including recessed finger grip).
- Shell features cut out for back / front camera, loudspeaker, joypad & surrounding buttons.
- Features engraved sponsor logos: REX, RWTH, ETH, MICS, Nokia.
- In the final product, the fixing sustains joggling and shaking.
- Shell opens easily for the operator, not for the player.
- Devices can be easily removed for recharging.
- Shell is waterproof.
Specifications (based on first prototype & evaluations):
- Design challenge: People tended to associate the shape too often with a museum / audio guide.
- Solution: adjust the shape to the changed theme of the game: retro scientific / paranormal field trip; if possible, add knobs / dials that have no function, but make it look like a scientific apparatus
- Design challenge: Very nice material - but from our school class evaluation, we need to iterate. Material may not be strong enough to sustain dropping.
- Solution: Must have a retro scientific measurement device feel (think "alien", area51, ghostbusters, star trek) - opaque and sustainable material should be used.
- Design challenge: We need to be able to print labels onto the shell.
- Solution: Choose / prepare surface for printing or develop a strategy for easy foiling.
Leather keychain
- Challenge: The vast majority of people were reminded of a leash.
- Solution: REX will produce keychains that carry all sponsor names on then; not our baustelle any longer.
Position of phone and key access
- Challenge: People tend to hold the wand bottom; also, we found that they will need to have access to the phone's joypad & the four keys surrounding the joypad
- Solution: Swap position with the GPS; cut out front area for joypad & 4 key access
Change of GPS device
- Challenge: after testing, we have found that we will use this GPS device:, not the tomtom
- Solution: use the instantfix measurements found at the URL.
- Solution2: It could be that we will be sponsored by another company, so this is subject to change.
Scroll map
- Challenge: We would like to have a real map attached to the device.
- Solution: Consider a way to include a mechanism into the shell, e.g. a scroll / retractable pull-out mech
Constant pressure on phone buttons
- Challenge: the shell presses on all the buttons (front, side), and causes uncontrollable malfunctionality.
- Solution: e.g. lift the shell; in any case: figure out a better fixing system for all devices.
Cell phone sound volume
- Challenge: Phone is not loud enough on the street (speaker sits on the brow of the phone, not on the front). mind that audio the main feedback we are having!
- Solution1: Integrate a 45° reflector shield into the case, on top of the phone. PLEASE test the connectivity between phone and GPS through plexiglas, too!
- (add.) Solution2: Consider a resonance chamber - think of a guitar. This may mean to change the material, or make the wand bulkier.
Phone display visibility
- Challenge: In bright sunlight, the visbility of the display is very low. this is not our fault, but it may be a downer for the player.
- Solution: Consider an anti glare or sun protection attachment onto the display such as the ones camera lenses use, or the ones graphic designers use for their monitors.
Production of wand shell
- Challenge: We will need 35 of the shells ready to go by June 2, 2006.
- Solution: Consider how we will produce them, saving as much money as we can.
Material costs
- Challenge: Cost of materials.
- Solution: Can be covered through MICS & MAS budget.
Revision r1.3 - 11 May 2006 - 12:25 - SteffenPWalz Parents: WebHome
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