To provide a personal freedom in the design and working process, we expect each student to work self-organized and to plan the time needed on their own.
A simple structure is therefore set up. We expect the students to show up wednesday, thursday and friday as long it is not mentioned differently. An nds calendar is online and the main reference for the daily business.
Support and individual talks:
For individual talks, it is recommended to make an appointment with the person in advance. Best way of communication is the personal email.
Lectures on Architecture:
We recommend the students to attend lectures of the other chairs at the department. There is a great variety of lectures, which are described in the ETH Dept. Architecture Curriculum. We recommend not attending a lecture that has a necessary design or exercise integrated, as there are time conflicts with the MAS exercises.
Each semester, the chair for CAAD invites a series of guests to present fields adjacent to architecture and computer science.