Anna Klingmann is the founder of KLINGMANN, an agency for architecture and brand building in New York. She works as an architect and creative branding consultant and has collaborated on many projects, most notably a master-planning proposal for the Adidas Headquarter in Germany, which won first prize. She has taught at the Swiss Federal Institute (ETH) in Zurich, at the UdK in Berlin and at Cornell University. Her work has been published in numerous magazines including: AD Magazine, Daidalos, Architectural Record, and Architecture Aujourdhui. Currently, she holds an assistant professorship at Columbia University. Confronting the phenomenon of "Brandscapes" her research examines the interface of branding and architectural design. Currently, she is working on a book (Beyond a New Architecture to be published by MIT Press, 2005) that critically examines the effects of late capitalism and more specifically of marketing, media, and communication as socio-economic constructions directly linked to urban discourse and method.