D-ARCH spacer Gastdozent José Paulo dos Santos


Illustrationevery project reflects the understanding one has of the time and the world,

and has implied the many layers of knowledge and sensibilities endorsing the personal development of social attitudes and taste.

of the complex web of issues related to the discipline of Architecture one should perhaps retain key words from ‘old' Bob Maxwell:

a warning: the lure of the ephemerous

a fact: the loss of the absolute

a guidance: the wisdom of uncertainty

with the work being often the result of the immediate temporal and physical surroundings and constraints.


the site: almost at the estuary of a very particular river, the Douro, a last cliff – a granite monolith, still a piece of natural patrimony and the former site of a concrete mill



in disuse, lack of identity, despite strong and diverse neighbourhoods, topographicaly disconnected - to add to foreseable speculative building pressure on the water front


the aim:

to allow border continuity, not only between the sea shores at the end of the stream (foz) and upper town (the city) but with the older neighbourhoods at the higher level of the cliff,creating possibilities, within contained ‘freedom', river margin(s) able to cope with the tides promoted by seasonal weather, leaving the project open to incorporate in its ‘dry' territory the various social wishes,implementing programs –both public and domestic - and ways to build that allow the dialogue among all of the elements - including local cultures and possibilities to formally and materially address the chameleonic clues given by singular regular urban modules within the complex topographical and social site location.because (only) regular structures have, through time, allowed for different rituals and uses so exception can be argued


semester guests with interventions in similar environments:

cristina guedes ( www.-e+.com ) ; souto de moura


(aerial photo and site plan will be on provisional link www.josepaulodossantos.com)


number of students: 28

excercise type: “O” for diploma students, “e” for bachelor/master students

start: tuesday, 25. september 2007, 10 am.

meeting point: will be mailed after the enrolment.


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Dokumentation Gastdozent José Paulo dos Santos : PDF

21.08.2007 webmaster@arch


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