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Class icc.db.Header


public class Header
extends Entity
the Header class represents the header information defining a project document. This header does not include category, action, attribute or additional link information. It does include the document identifier, name/locator, type, title, grouping, threading and versioning information. This information constitutes the minimal information preferable to present and visualize a document as an entity in a folder.

The type of a document is one of TEXT, PATH, URL and PURSE, corresponding to a short text (at most 120 characters) stored entirely in the database, a document available as a file in the file system underlying the database, a document accessible through the HTTP protocol, and an electronic purse, respectively.

The document name reflects on the document type. If the document is of type TEXT, the name specifies this text. If the document is of type PATH, the name specifies the full file path. If the document is of type URL, the name specifies the HTTP address of the document file. Finally, if the document is of type PURSE, the name specifies the remaining value of the electronic purse.

Grouping information is specified as a single belongs link and an array of contains links. Similarly, threading information is specified as a single replyTo link and an array of followUp links. Versioning information is specified as a single previousV link and an array of nextV links.

A document may have a cost associated with it (as an attribute). In this case, the document file cannot be retrieved unless the user has a personal purse document from which the cost is paid.

See Also:

Variable Index

 o belongs
This variable specifies the document this document belongs to, if any.
 o contains
This variable specifies all the documents this document contains.
The name of a service that updates document information in the database on request.
 o followUp
This variable specifies all the documents that follow up (comment) on this document.
The maximum length of the name and title of this document.
 o nextV
This variable specifies all the immediately derived versions of this document.
A useful constant to specify the type of a document as a file located in the file system underlying the login server.
 o previousV
This variable specifies the previous version of this document, if any.
A useful constant to specify the type of a document as an electronic purse.
The name of a service that retrieves document information from the database on request.
 o replyTo
This variable specifies the document this document replies to (comments on), if any.
 o reset
A request to reset all document information stored at the webtop level.
The name of a service that searches and retrieves document information from the database on request.
A useful constant to specify the type of a document as a short text (at most LENGTH characters) stored entirely in the database.
The document types array.
 o URL
A useful constant to specify the type of a document as a URL.

Method Index

 o clear()
Removes all Header objects previously put.
 o containsHeader(Integer)
Tests if a document header with the specified identifier has previously been put.
 o description()
Returns the document title.
 o equals(Object)
Compares this object to the specified object.
 o getHeader(Integer)
Retrieves the Header object for the specified identifier, if previously put.
 o getTitle()
Returns the document title.
 o getType()
Returns the document type.
 o hasPath()
Returns whether this document specifies a file located in the file system underlying the login server.
 o hasText()
Returns whether this document specifies a short text (at most LENGTH characters) stored entirely in the database.
 o hasURL()
Returns whether this document specifies a URL.
 o isLinked()
Checks if this document is linked to other documents through grouping, threading or versioning.
 o isPurse()
Returns whether this document specifies a purse.
 o put()
Stores this object for later retrieval by identifier.
 o remove()
Removes this object from local storage, if previously put.
 o removeHeader(Integer)
Removes the Header object with the specified identifier previously put, if any.
 o setId(Integer)
Sets the document identifier.
 o setName(String)
Sets the document name.
 o setTitle(String)
Sets the document title.
 o setType(String)
Sets the document type.


 public static final int LENGTH
The maximum length of the name and title of this document.

 public static final String TEXT
A useful constant to specify the type of a document as a short text (at most LENGTH characters) stored entirely in the database.

 public static final String PATH
A useful constant to specify the type of a document as a file located in the file system underlying the login server.

 o URL
 public static final String URL
A useful constant to specify the type of a document as a URL.

 public static final String PURSE
A useful constant to specify the type of a document as an electronic purse.

 public static final String TYPES[]
The document types array.

 public static final String QUERY
The name of a service that retrieves document information from the database on request.

 public static final String ENTRY
The name of a service that updates document information in the database on request.

 public static final String SEARCH
The name of a service that searches and retrieves document information from the database on request.

 o reset
 public static final Request reset
A request to reset all document information stored at the webtop level. Though this information should always be identical to the information in the project database, upon certain administrative actions this may no longer be the case. A request to reset this information should only be submitted by the project administrator.

 o belongs
 public Integer belongs
This variable specifies the document this document belongs to, if any.

 o replyTo
 public Integer replyTo
This variable specifies the document this document replies to (comments on), if any.

 o previousV
 public Integer previousV
This variable specifies the previous version of this document, if any.

 o contains
 public Integer contains[]
This variable specifies all the documents this document contains.

 o followUp
 public Integer followUp[]
This variable specifies all the documents that follow up (comment) on this document.

 o nextV
 public Integer nextV[]
This variable specifies all the immediately derived versions of this document.


 o hasText
 public boolean hasText()
Returns whether this document specifies a short text (at most LENGTH characters) stored entirely in the database.

true if this document is of type TEXT, false otherwise
 o hasPath
 public boolean hasPath()
Returns whether this document specifies a file located in the file system underlying the login server.

true if this document is of type PATH false otherwise
 o hasURL
 public boolean hasURL()
Returns whether this document specifies a URL.

true if this document is of type URL false otherwise
 o isPurse
 public boolean isPurse()
Returns whether this document specifies a purse.

true if this document is of type PURSE false otherwise
 o getType
 public String getType()
Returns the document type.

the document type
 o getTitle
 public String getTitle()
Returns the document title.

the document title
 o description
 public String description()
Returns the document title.

the document title
description in class Entity
 o setName
 public void setName(String name)
Sets the document name. This document may not be trusted. Altering the document information has no actual effect until these changes have been submitted to the project database.

name - the new document name
setName in class Entity
See Also:
create, alter
 o setId
 public void setId(Integer id)
Sets the document identifier. This document may not be trusted.

id - a document identifier
setId in class Entity
 o setTitle
 public void setTitle(String title)
Sets the document title. This document may not be trusted. Altering the document information has no actual effect until these changes have been submitted to the project database.

title - the new document title
See Also:
create, alter
 o setType
 public void setType(String type)
Sets the document type. This document may not be trusted. Altering the document information has no actual effect until these changes have been submitted to the project database.

type - the new document type
See Also:
create, alter
 o isLinked
 public boolean isLinked()
Checks if this document is linked to other documents through grouping, threading or versioning.

true if the document is linked, false otherwise
 o equals
 public boolean equals(Object obj)
Compares this object to the specified object. The result is true if and only if the argument is not null and is an object of the same class that has the same identifier (or either identifier equals to NEW), title, and grouping, threading and versioning links as this object.

obj - the object to compare with
true if the objects are the same; false otherwise
equals in class Entity
 o containsHeader
 public static boolean containsHeader(Integer id)
Tests if a document header with the specified identifier has previously been put.

id - a document identifier
true if this document header has previously been put; false otherwise
 o getHeader
 public static Header getHeader(Integer id)
Retrieves the Header object for the specified identifier, if previously put.

id - a document identifier
the document header corresponding this identifier, if known; otherwise null
 o put
 public void put()
Stores this object for later retrieval by identifier. Only trusted objects can be stored.

 o remove
 public void remove()
Removes this object from local storage, if previously put.

 o removeHeader
 public static Header removeHeader(Integer id)
Removes the Header object with the specified identifier previously put, if any.

id - a document identifier
the object in question, if any; otherwise null
 o clear
 public static void clear()
Removes all Header objects previously put.

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