Creates a data request to create this document with respect to the
specified project cube.
create(Integer, String, String, Integer).
Method in class icc.db.Partner
Creates a data request to create a new partner with the specified
password and add this partner to the specified project (with function),
as a member of the specified team.
Returns whether the selected team or partner information is
editable by the current user, i.e., whether the user is the
project administrator or belongs to the selected team or is
the selected partner.
Select(String, Date, boolean, Integer).
Constructor for class icc.db.Select
Allocates a Select object to request a search for all
documents with the specified action newer/older than the specified date,
and authored by the specified partner.
Submits a request to the project database to remove the current partner
from this team, or the current team from the database, if no current
partner is selected.