Installation Guides

The following guides are currently available:

1. Oracle Mediator README An installation guide for the application server with support from an Oracle database.

2. Webtop Mediator README An installation guide for the webtop server. The webtop server brings the system's functionality closer/faster to the client. It serves as a cache for project information from the database and provides local services.

3. Delegates Installation Guides Autonomous software processes, called delegates can be dynamically linked in order to extend the environment's functionality. The following delegates are currently available:

    a. Security delegate This representative allows the user to change his or her password, and to specify which delegates the interface should include.

    b. Contact delegate This representative allows the user to send and receive small messages to and from other contactable users.

    c. Cubes delegate This presenter shows a VRML visualization of the organization of the project data space into cubes, corresponding the three dimensions area, time, and type.

    d. Shortcuts delegate This representative provides the user with shortcuts selected by the projects' administrators and allows the user to create his or her personal shortcuts.

Last updated: 4 May 1999
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