Heilige Landschaft – Heilige Berge
Werner Oechslin Library Foundation, ed.
Heilige Landschaft – Heilige Berge
Eighth annual baroque summer course
2014. 21.4 x 24 cm, softcover with flap
404 pages, 226 illustrations b/w
ISBN 978-3-85676-294-0
CHF 62.00 / EUR 58.00
Contributions in German or English
Contributions by Gerd Blum, Katja Burzer, Ria Fabri, Axel Christoph Gampp, Michael Groblewski, Ulrich Heinen, Mojmír Horyna, Berthold Hub, Eckart Kühne, Tobias Kunz, Eckhard Leuschner, Klaus J. Loderer, Piet Lombaerde, Nenad Makuljević, Jasmin Mersmann, Werner Oechslin, Sandra Maria Rust, Svetlana Smolčić-Makuljević, Peter Stephan, Johannes Stückelberger, Harald Tesan, Andreas Tönnesmann
Designed by Philippe Mouthon and Angelika Wey-Bomhard
Many religions assign an important role to the landscape – and in particular to the mountains: Noah’s Ark stranded on a mountain peak, Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, and mountains are important stations in Christ’s life (Calvary, Mount of Olives, etc.). The dialogue between God and man, led by a scenic elevation, suggests a closeness to God. This also explains the privileged position of the high sanctuaries. In the history of the Sacro Monte of Varese, published by Cesare Tettamantio in 1614, a large number of ‘biblical’ holy mountains are mentioned to make the place of pilgrimage above Varese appear more valuable and gracious. Religious architecture also shapes the landscape. Crosses, chapels, monasteries, churches and temples along intact old trade routes and geographically relevant connecting axes bear witness to this. The contributions in this volume present individual examples of the interactions between religion and landscape and cultural-historical contexts.