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■ Events

Design Festival London 2010, 100%Design

  The world first steel girder that can be coiled up.

On invitation of the design festival and the polish cultural institute we are happy to show the new FiDU project at the madewski garden in the v&a museum in london. the idea was to take the form of the pond in this garden to a z-axis. due to transport and the situaton in the museum, we were looking for a easy to transport solution. So we proudly present the world first coiled up steel arc. ...>>

DMY Berlin 2010

  Ausstellung in Berlin ...>>

Bonestructures from the "Knochenhalle"

  The new FiDU project of this year mas will be shown at the DMY design festival in Berlin from 09-13.06.2010 ...>>

Designpreis Schweiz 09

  Die Fidubank ist nominiert für den Designpreis Schweiz 09  ...>>

Materialica Aid Award 2009

  Die FiDU-Technolgie wird mit dem Materilica Design + Technology Award 2009 ausgezeichnet  ...>>

Ausstellung an der Baumuster-Centrale

  Die Fidurotoren sind in der Ausstellung "Material überdacht" der Baumuster-Centrale Schweiz zu sehen  ...>>

Ausstellung an der ETH

  Die Fidurotoren des MAS-Kurses 2009 sind an der ETH ausgestellt.  ...>>

FIDU at DMY Berlin

  The MAS class of 2008/2009 exhibited their FiDU Rotors at the DMY Berlin Exhibition ...>>

Forum Aid Award 2009

  Plopp gewinnt den Forum Aid Award 2009 für Design.Am 3. Februar wurde zum achten Mal in Folge der Forum Aid Award vergeben. Hunderte von Gästen feierten in Stockholm die Gewinner  ...>>

Fidu wins Designpreis Contest

  Plopp gewinnt einen Silveraward beim deutschen Designpreis. Aus über 1240 nominierten Einreichungen wurden 5 Gold- und 20 Silbergewinner gewählt.  ...>>

FIDU at vienadesignweek Wien 08

  Am vienadesignweek08 zeigt Lehrstuhl für CAAD der ETH Zürich aufpumpbare Metallmöbel und „wachsende“ Architektur  ...>>

Reddot-Award 2008

 „plopp“ - a stool designed by Oskar Zieta and produced with the FIDU-Method, developed at the chair for CAAD – wins the famous Design-Award on June 23   ...>>

FIDU at DMY Berlin

  Objects of the last MAS work and Oskar Zietas chairs are shown from 21 May to 1 June in Berlin. ...>>

FIDU at Ideenpark Stuutgart

  We are happy to present the FIDU technology at the Ideenpark this year. The "Ideenpark", (ideapark) is a technique experience world, which contacts particularly young people, families and pupils. It takes place from 17 to 25 May 2008 in the fair Stuttgart with the support of more than 120 partner organizations. As we are one of them we decided to make a live performance and to show how the FIDU technology works. As the Ideenpark is a invention of Thyssen Krupp it has been the first time, that we made objects of stainless steel. And it worked out perfecty well. ...>>


  This year’s Generationen concentrates on a subject of a very current relevance. It led the invited participants to a wide range of connotations such as recycling, designer-generations, water as a conflict topic of the next generation, young versus old, return to the old handicraft traditions in conjunction with the contemporary design, and many others.  ...>>

caad at the conference Creative Systems ´07
“…To create systems has always been an essential part of architectural practice. By developing and defining the basic rules of the building process the architect is enabled to manage the structure and the architectural expression of the building. ...>>

FIDU Brücke Belastungstest

  A static load test of the FIDU-Bridge (see: Research > Blow Up Konstruktionen) took place in December 2007 in the test plant of the ETH Zürich. The bridge has been equipped with  ...>>

The Christmas Project 2007 | Santa Blows

  Even Santa believes in the potential of Oskar Zieta’s new FIDU-Technology and blows this year the Christmas trees up… Santa Blows! ...>>

1:1 Metal Works | A digital-analog construction site

  At Frankfurt Book Fair 2007 on October 10th, gta publishers Zurich will present «1:1 Metalworks - eine digital-analoge Baustelle». The book describes the building process of the «Umbrella Roofs» student workshop at ETH Zurich and reflects its use of digital technology in planning and fabrication. The project was  ...>>

Salone Satellite 2007 Milano

  At the Milan furniture fair 2007 in SaloneSatellite a selection of sheet-metal objects, which has been realized under Oskar Zieta’s supervision, (FIDU-chairs and modular metal screens of MAS programme students) had an opportunity to successfully represent the Chair of CAAD ETHZ. The event ...>>

Swissbau Basel 23-27|01|2007

  “Where builders meet (again)”... Also at the trade fair Swissbau 2007, between January 23rd-27th in Basel, the “Platform SheetMetal” presented last results of the ongoing post-graduate course “Design with sheet metal”, which has been directed by Oskar Zieta. ...>>


  The world’s „fastest“ rack! On the occasion of the Annual Exhibition at the Faculty of Architecture ETHZ in 2006, the CAAD staff has developed and produced a steel-tube rack. The extraordinarily fast designed modular extendable structure  ...>>

Swissbau Basel 25-29|01|2005

  “Where builders meet”... The result of the seminar week at the Chair of CAAD – the „7-Day-Pavilion“, has been exhibited at the trade fair Swissbau 2005 between January 25th-29th in Basel. ...>>

Jahresausstellung 2005

  On the occasion of the Annual Exhibition at the Faculty of Architecture ETHZ the results of the last MAS (Master of Advanced Studies) courses have been presented. The course, under Oskar Zieta’s direction, consisted of 4 modules ...>>

Produktionskette Blech

  For the purposes of the Annual Exhibition at the Faculty of Architecture ETHZ in 2005, two movies have been produced by Oskar Zieta, in cooperation with the Trumpf AG Schweiz, which have been shown as a part of CAAD exhibition. The films document manufacturing processes, which ...>>

The Christmas Project 2005

  O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum, dein Kleid will mich was lehren; O Tannenbaum, o Tannenbaum, dein Kleid will mich was lehren... ...>>


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