TWiki . Admin . WebStatistics

Statistics for Admin Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
May 2009 439 0 0 163 WebStatistics
 46 WebHome
 35 UTPJacks
 34 Mail
 20 Backup
 19 Services
 17 WebPreferences
 13 VideoStreaming
 12 WebSearch
 11 Servers
 10 DiskspaceOverview
Apr 2009 1811 0 0 297 WebStatistics
168 WebHome
133 Backup
115 Mail
113 Servers
101 UTPJacks
 96 WebPreferences
 94 IPAdresses
 89 Services
 86 VideoStreaming
 73 WebNotify
Mar 2009 1034 0 0 169 WebHome
143 WebStatistics
106 UTPJacks
 77 IPAdresses
 76 Services
 67 Backup
 66 Servers
 38 Mail
 34 SSHAccess
 32 DiskspaceOverview
 29 Smb
Feb 2009 1284 0 0 670 WebStatistics
100 WebHome
 60 Servers
 50 IPAdresses
 48 Services
 44 Backup
 38 SSHAccess
 37 UTPJacks
 28 Smb
 25 DiskspaceOverview
 25 Mail
Jan 2009 1482 0 0 513 WebStatistics
188 WebHome
 96 Services
 93 Servers
 85 IPAdresses
 82 Backup
 70 UTPJacks
 42 SSHAccess
 40 WebNotify
 35 Cvs
 28 Mail
Dec 2008 1649 0 0 534 WebStatistics
188 WebHome
103 Services
103 Servers
 99 IPAdresses
 86 UTPJacks
 79 Backup
 52 WebNotify
 52 SSHAccess
 44 Cvs
 41 Smb
Nov 2008 1387 0 0 615 WebStatistics
153 WebHome
 92 UTPJacks
 60 Servers
 54 Backup
 53 Services
 49 IPAdresses
 29 DiskspaceOverview
 28 WebNotify
 27 SSHAccess
 27 Mail
Oct 2008 659 0 0 256 WebStatistics
 81 WebHome
 41 Servers
 41 UTPJacks
 26 Backup
 23 Sandstein
 23 IPAdresses
 21 Mail
 19 WebPreferences
 18 DiskspaceOverview
 13 WebRss
Sep 2008 1215 0 0 770 WebStatistics
 83 UTPJacks
 66 WebHome
 37 Servers
 31 Mail
 27 Backup
 25 DiskspaceOverview
 24 IPAdresses
 20 Services
 20 CVSAtSandstein
 18 Sandstein
Aug 2008 193 0 0  42 WebHome
 40 WebStatistics
 10 UTPJacks
  9 Mail
  8 Services
  7 Sandstein
  6 VideoStreaming
  6 Cvs
  6 Backup
  6 CVSAtSandstein
  6 IPAdresses
Jul 2008 202 0 0  80 WebStatistics
 39 WebHome
 13 Backup
  6 Smb
  5 WebPreferences
  5 WebChanges
  5 Servers
  5 UTPJacks
  5 IPAdresses
  4 VideoStreaming
  4 WebIndex
Jun 2008 708 0 0 149 WebStatistics
132 WebHome
 54 UTPJacks
 40 Backup
 37 IPAdresses
 36 Servers
 31 Mail
 28 WebPreferences
 23 Services
 21 CVSAtSandstein
 18 DiskspaceOverview
May 2008 678 0 0 160 WebStatistics
106 WebHome
 45 UTPJacks
 42 Servers
 28 Mail
 27 Sandstein
 25 Services
 25 Backup
 22 IPAdresses
 21 WebPreferences
 20 DiskspaceOverview
Apr 2008 1354 0 0 1053 WebStatistics
 50 UTPJacks
 47 WebHome
 23 Servers
 19 Backup
 16 DiskspaceOverview
 16 CVSAtSandstein
 14 IPAdresses
 13 Services
 12 Mail
 11 WebIndex
Mar 2008 1861 0 0 1218 WebStatistics
116 WebHome
 77 UTPJacks
 54 Backup
 42 Services
 32 Servers
 30 WebPreferences
 27 WebIndex
 27 Sandstein
 27 IPAdresses
 26 Mail
Feb 2008 692 0 0 197 WebStatistics
 78 WebHome
 58 UTPJacks
 41 Backup
 32 IPAdresses
 30 Servers
 29 Services
 27 DiskspaceOverview
 27 WebPreferences
 26 CVSAtSandstein
 22 Mail
Jan 2008 483 0 0  90 WebStatistics
 56 WebHome
 38 UTPJacks
 36 Services
 32 Backup
 28 IPAdresses
 23 Servers
 21 DiskspaceOverview
 17 WebPreferences
 17 Mail
 17 WebChanges
Dec 2007 485 0 0  84 WebHome
 83 WebStatistics
 30 Services
 29 Mail
 28 Backup
 28 UTPJacks
 22 IPAdresses
 18 WebPreferences
 18 Servers
 14 VideoStreaming
 14 WebIndex
Nov 2007 390 0 0  82 WebStatistics
 55 WebHome
 30 Backup
 29 UTPJacks
 20 Servers
 18 IPAdresses
 17 Mail
 17 WebPreferences
 15 Services
 15 DiskspaceOverview
 13 VideoStreaming
Oct 2007 520 0 0 139 WebStatistics
 70 WebHome
 40 UTPJacks
 36 IPAdresses
 27 Backup
 24 Services
 17 DiskspaceOverview
 15 SSHAccess
 15 Sandstein
 15 CVSAtSandstein
 14 Mail
Sep 2007 1235 0 0 735 WebStatistics
 73 WebHome
 71 UTPJacks
 41 Services
 38 Backup
 33 Mail
 28 Servers
 25 DiskspaceOverview
 25 IPAdresses
 19 CVSAtSandstein
 16 SSHAccess
Aug 2007 2900 0 0 2258 WebStatistics
140 UTPJacks
101 WebHome
 41 Backup
 35 Servers
 34 IPAdresses
 33 Mail
 28 Services
 24 WebChanges
 23 WebRss
 22 WebIndex
Jul 2007 1812 0 0 876 WebStatistics
157 WebHome
149 UTPJacks
 79 Backup
 55 Servers
 52 Services
 44 Mail
 43 IPAdresses
 43 Smb
 41 Cvs
 36 CVSAtSandstein
Jun 2007 1802 0 0 695 WebStatistics
184 WebHome
166 UTPJacks
 77 Servers
 62 IPAdresses
 58 Services
 58 Backup
 57 Mail
 56 DiskspaceOverview
 46 Smb
 41 Sandstein
May 2007 1693 0 0 753 WebStatistics
148 WebHome
127 UTPJacks
 58 Mail
 48 Servers
 44 Backup
 43 Services
 41 Sandstein
 41 IPAdresses
 40 DiskspaceOverview
 39 Cvs
Apr 2007 1338 0 0 651 WebStatistics
107 WebHome
 73 UTPJacks
 48 Mail
 48 CVSAtSandstein
 41 Servers
 39 DiskspaceOverview
 36 Backup
 34 Cvs
 31 Services
 31 IPAdresses
Mar 2007 2349 0 0 1289 WebStatistics
306 WebHome
129 UTPJacks
 57 Mail
 53 Servers
 52 Backup
 48 Services
 48 IPAdresses
 41 DiskspaceOverview
 32 SSHAccess
 30 Cvs
Feb 2007 1433 0 0 747 WebStatistics
118 WebHome
111 UTPJacks
 43 Mail
 37 Services
 37 Servers
 34 IPAdresses
 33 DiskspaceOverview
 32 WebPreferences
 31 Backup
 26 WebChanges
Jan 2007 1488 0 0 779 WebStatistics
127 WebHome
 92 UTPJacks
 45 Services
 41 Backup
 37 Mail
 37 IPAdresses
 36 DiskspaceOverview
 31 Servers
 27 WebChanges
 25 Sandstein
Dec 2006 1533 0 0 534 WebStatistics
164 UTPJacks
150 WebHome
 73 Services
 72 Servers
 71 Backup
 61 Mail
 54 Sandstein
 51 IPAdresses
 39 DiskspaceOverview
 31 SSHAccess
Nov 2006 1425 0 0 762 WebStatistics
140 UTPJacks
 76 WebHome
 44 Mail
 42 IPAdresses
 40 Services
 39 Backup
 34 Servers
 32 DiskspaceOverview
 30 Sandstein
 20 SSHAccess
Oct 2006 2214 0 0 1404 WebStatistics
137 UTPJacks
 98 WebHome
 62 Backup
 57 Mail
 56 Services
 52 DiskspaceOverview
 52 IPAdresses
 50 Servers
 43 Sandstein
 31 CVSAtSandstein
Sep 2006 1430 0 0 351 WebStatistics
182 UTPJacks
131 WebHome
 82 Servers
 71 Backup
 67 Services
 63 Mail
 61 DiskspaceOverview
 50 IPAdresses
 45 Sandstein
 41 WebPreferences
Aug 2006 957 0 0 223 WebStatistics
100 WebHome
 99 UTPJacks
 59 Servers
 49 Services
 48 IPAdresses
 44 Backup
 42 DiskspaceOverview
 40 Mail
 36 Sandstein
 29 CVSAtSandstein
May 2006 1949 0 0 642 WebStatistics
158 UTPJacks
132 WebHome
 92 CVSAtSandstein
 90 Backup
 85 Services
 81 Servers
 79 Sandstein
 73 DiskspaceOverview
 68 Mail
 64 WebPreferences
Jan 2006 956 0 0 280 WebStatistics
 92 WebHome
 72 UTPJacks
 51 Services
 49 CVSAtSandstein
 41 Servers
 40 IPAdresses
 39 Mail
 35 DiskspaceOverview
 34 Backup
 34 WebPreferences
Nov 2005 1292 0 0 358 WebStatistics
142 WebHome
 81 UTPJacks
 68 Servers
 66 Backup
 63 Services
 59 Mail
 58 CVSAtSandstein
 57 Sandstein
 42 WebPreferences
 41 DiskspaceOverview
Aug 2005 231 0 0  64 WebStatistics
 33 WebHome
 14 Backup
 13 DiskspaceOverview
 12 WebPreferences
 11 Services
 11 CVSAtSandstein
  9 Sandstein
  9 SSHAccess
  9 IPAdresses
  8 WebChanges
Feb 2005 654 0 0 131 WebHome
108 WebStatistics
 48 Servers
 43 Mail
 42 WebPreferences
 42 DiskspaceOverview
 42 Backup
 38 Sandstein
 37 WebSearch
 35 WebChanges
 27 WebIndex
Jan 2005 518 0 0 133 WebHome
 48 Servers
 46 Mail
 44 Backup
 41 WebPreferences
 41 DiskspaceOverview
 38 WebSearch
 38 WebChanges
 25 WebStatistics
 18 WebIndex
 13 WebTopicList
Dec 2004 760 1 0 187 WebHome
 73 WebPreferences
 61 Servers
 58 Backup
 56 WebStatistics
 54 Mail
 50 DiskspaceOverview
 49 WebSearch
 49 WebChanges
 39 Sandstein
 23 WebIndex
  1 TorstenSpindler
Oct 2004 319 1 0 111 WebHome
 28 WebPreferences
 27 Mail
 26 WebChanges
 25 DiskspaceOverview
 25 Backup
 24 WebSearch
 23 Servers
  7 WebStatistics
  6 WebRss
  6 WebNotify
  1 TorstenSpindler
Dec 2005 905 10 0 171 WebStatistics
108 UTPJacks
102 WebHome
 61 Servers
 47 Services
 45 Mail
 41 DiskspaceOverview
 39 Backup
 39 WebPreferences
 35 IPAdresses
 33 Sandstein
 10 TorstenSpindler
Jul 2005 435 13 0 102 WebHome
 50 WebStatistics
 31 Backup
 23 Sandstein
 22 Mail
 20 Services
 19 Servers
 18 WebPreferences
 17 WebIndex
 17 DiskspaceOverview
 17 CVSAtSandstein
 12 TorstenSpindler
  1 SteffenLemmerzahl
Oct 2005 945 15 10 246 WebStatistics
132 WebHome
 96 UTPJacks
 47 Services
 42 Servers
 39 Mail
 35 DiskspaceOverview
 35 WebPreferences
 35 CVSAtSandstein
 34 WebSearch
 34 Backup
 25 TorstenSpindler
Jun 2006 1939 2 0 625 WebStatistics
226 WebHome
143 UTPJacks
100 Servers
 84 CVSAtSandstein
 79 DiskspaceOverview
 76 Services
 71 Mail
 67 Sandstein
 62 Backup
 58 WebIndex
  2 TorstenSpindler
Mar 2006 1458 2 0 291 WebStatistics
165 WebHome
118 UTPJacks
 86 Services
 84 Backup
 83 Mail
 75 Servers
 73 CVSAtSandstein
 61 Sandstein
 58 DiskspaceOverview
 57 WebPreferences
  1 TorstenSpindler
  1 SteffenLemmerzahl
Feb 2006 659 2 0 128 WebStatistics
 88 WebHome
 48 UTPJacks
 43 CVSAtSandstein
 38 Backup
 38 IPAdresses
 32 Services
 28 Mail
 26 Servers
 24 DiskspaceOverview
 20 Sandstein
  1 TorstenSpindler
  1 OdiloSchoch
May 2005 813 23 0 149 WebHome
138 WebStatistics
 48 Mail
 45 WebPreferences
 43 WebChanges
 42 Servers
 41 DiskspaceOverview
 39 Sandstein
 37 WebSearch
 37 CVSAtSandstein
 37 Backup
 22 KarstenDroste
  1 MathiasOchsendorf
Sep 2005 598 3 0 123 WebHome
 95 WebStatistics
 40 Servers
 38 WebPreferences
 36 Backup
 32 WebChanges
 29 WebSearch
 28 Mail
 26 Services
 22 IPAdresses
 22 DiskspaceOverview
  3 TorstenSpindler
Jul 2006 1577 4 0 416 WebStatistics
180 WebHome
119 UTPJacks
112 CVSAtSandstein
 74 Sandstein
 71 DiskspaceOverview
 71 Backup
 65 Services
 65 IPAdresses
 63 Servers
 60 Mail
  4 TorstenSpindler
Apr 2005 740 4 0 148 WebHome
128 WebStatistics
 51 DiskspaceOverview
 41 WebChanges
 41 Servers
 40 WebPreferences
 37 Mail
 36 WebIndex
 36 Backup
 33 Sandstein
 30 WebSearch
  4 TorstenSpindler
Nov 2004 374 5 0  94 WebHome
 36 Servers
 35 Backup
 32 DiskspaceOverview
 30 WebPreferences
 30 WebChanges
 30 Mail
 26 WebSearch
 13 WebRss
 11 WebStatistics
 11 WebIndex
  5 TorstenSpindler
Jun 2005 3042 7 0 1185 WebStatistics
230 WebHome
175 WebIndex
175 CVSAtSandstein
169 WebChanges
132 WebPreferences
128 DiskspaceOverview
116 Backup
106 Sandstein
 89 Services
 89 Servers
  6 TorstenSpindler
  1 KarstenDroste
Mar 2005 592 7 0 155 WebHome
 57 WebStatistics
 48 DiskspaceOverview
 40 Servers
 37 Mail
 34 Backup
 31 WebSearch
 30 WebPreferences
 29 WebChanges
 24 WebRss
 24 WebIndex
  7 TorstenSpindler
Apr 2006 1023 8 0 220 WebStatistics
110 UTPJacks
105 WebHome
 61 DiskspaceOverview
 54 Services
 52 Backup
 52 CVSAtSandstein
 38 Mail
 35 Sandstein
 34 IPAdresses
 33 WebPreferences
  8 TorstenSpindler


----- Revision r1.438 - 05 May 2009 - 14:30 - Main.guest
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