| MAS ETH ARCH/CAAD - 2005/06 - STUDENT PAGES Master of Advanced Studies in Architecture, Specialization in Computer Aided Architectural Design | 065-0005/6 Supervision: Prof. Dr. Ludger Hovestadt, Philipp Schaerer Chair of CAAD, ETH Zurich BlowupPROCEDURE Blowup; VAR x1,y1,l,h:REAL; i,m,j,k,n,p:INTEGER; NewObjekt:HANDLE; r,g,b:Longint; BEGIN x1:=1; y1:=1; l:=50; {Viereck Länge} h:=50; {Viereck Höhe} n:=10; {Abstand Vertikal} P:=10; {Abstand Horizontal} j:=70; {Anzahl Zeilen} k:=70; {Anzahl Spalten} FOR m:=0 To k Do BEGIN FOR i:=0 To j Do BEGIN r:=60000; g:=Random*50000; b:=0; NewObjekt:=LNewObj; SetFillBack(NewObjekt,r,g,b); NewObjekt:=NextObj(NewObjekt); RRect((sin(x1)*1000),sin(y1)*1000,l+(sin(x1)*1000),h+(sin(y1)*1000),18,18); RRect(((sin(x1)*1000))+l/3*(Random+0.3),(sin(y1)*1000)+h/3*(Random+0.3),l+((sin(x1)*1000))-l/3*(Random+0.3),h+((sin(y1)*1000))-h/3*(Random+0.3),30,30); x1:=x1+l+n; END; x1:=1; y1:=y1-h-p; END; END; RUN(Blowup);-- NDSTobiasWendt - 09 Nov 2005
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