| MAS ETH ARCH/CAAD - 2004/05 - STUDENT PAGES Master of Advanced Studies in Architecture, Specialization in Computer Aided Architectural Design | 065-0005/6 Supervision: Prof. Dr. Ludger Hovestadt, Philipp Schaerer Chair of CAAD, ETH Zurich back | _01 | _02 | _03 | _04 | _05.1 | _05.2 | _05.3 | _05.4 | _05.5 | pics_3Dprinter 1 draw 3Dpolyline ->... -> not possible to add curves to a 3Dpolyline 2 draw circles and convert them to nurbs ->... 3 rotate the nurbs in 3D ->... 4 draw spheres and rotate them in 3D ->... 5 further experiments with the nurbs 5.1 ->...5.2 ->...5.3 ->...5.4 ->...5.5 ->...|top|
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