Portraits I
Il s’agit de concevoir une ville autonome, lointain reflet d’une cité de rêve utopique, mais qui présente le risque de se transformer en cité de cauchemar.
Hugh Pearman in: Airports, a Century of Architecture.
Portraits is a series of critical assessments on contemporary issues. Its specificity lies in the association of mutually enlightening, yet seemingly antogonist programs. Its method claims no historical loyalty, as sources and facts are being intentionally set up to serve a reducing purpose. Portraits evaluates contradictory encounters and stresses crossfertilization as a key asset in the design process.
Portraits I investigates the stem-hypothesis of the aiport as a prison.
Introduction: Tuesday 20th September 2011, 12.00 am, HIL D 10.2
Excercise Type: E (Entwurf ohne integrierte Disziplin), work in teams of two
Contact: Studio HIL D 15 / Office HIL F 65.3 / 044 632 28 52
Informations on Made in: www.madein2003.ch
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22.08.2011 webmaster@arch